Quick Question=answer Plz


Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
I just noticed that 2 of my guppies are beginning to catch ich :S somehow. Anyways, I have 15 lil fry in the tank as well as a betta and 2 platies. What should I use or put in the tank? Ich removal? Or just some more salt? 10gallons..

Isolate the guppies in their own sick tank, as adding chemicals may harm the other fish, especially the fry as they're babies and still don't have fully developed imune systems. Also, salt isn't that great to have in a tank for a betta, as bettas IME have a low tollerance to salt...
firstly, not allowed to have another tank, secondly no space, thirdly, bettas IMO and IME are good with salt. I have had both my bettas in tanks with salt and it seriously helps them by not only opening and relaxing their bowels(spl?) but heals their injuries, scratches, ripped/torn fins and diseases
Isolate the guppies in their own sick tank, as adding chemicals may harm the other fish, especially the fry as they're babies and still don't have fully developed imune systems. Also, salt isn't that great to have in a tank for a betta, as bettas IME have a low tollerance to salt...

Isolating the fish is good yes ( In most cases) but the full tank needs to be treated due to the fact it is very contagious. Also salt is fine to have in a tank with a betta not sure for guppies but battas like salt i use to put 1/2 teaspoon every gallon in my betta bowls and the spawning tank and have been told by many seasonal breeders to due so due to the fact it helps avoid pesky parasites and fungus. Ich is a parasite and you should treat the whole tank there a few methods i know of but one i know of that works great. Parasites are heat sensitive and detach them selves to free swim when the waters reach 85 degrees F which allows for killing them easier so turn ur heater up to 85 for a couple days and medicat the entire tank with the temp up the parasite will detach and free swim making it easier for the meds to kill them I would suggest using aquarisol to treat it.
Thanks a lot for the helpful advice...raising the temperature as we speak. At least I'm catching it early.
Thanks a lot for the helpful advice...raising the temperature as we speak. At least I'm catching it early.

make sure you keep an eye on ue tempature wouldnt let it go over 86 due to the fry in the tank. also what meds are you using?
I'm adding more salt and using Jungle's Ick Guard. It has worked for me before, especially when Darts had serious Ick. Will this harm live plants?
I'm adding more salt and using Jungle's Ick Guard. It has worked for me before, especially when Darts had serious Ick. Will this harm live plants?

Im not sure I have never used jungals ick guard, good luck with the problem and keep me updated.

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