Many Problems


Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
hello everyone.I currently have 2 female adult guppies, an adult female platy, 2 male bettas and 8 growing lil guppies.

Problem(s): I have one 10g tank. Currently, I have it divided into 2 (one side for one betta and the other side for the guppies and platy (the baby guppies too). I also have a small 0.5 gallon tank with my betta in it (I know that's bad). I also have those 6" by 6" mesh containers for the 8 lil guppies. The tank is such a nasty mess. I want to toss on the filter but will that disrupt the baby guppies too much? The filter ISN'T on their side but still. And the other betta in the 0.5 gallon :( I feel so bad for him. I want to at least get him a 1gallon but my parents wont let me upgrade :(

Questions: Tank set-up? How to fix?
The small guppies. Should I release them into the bigger tank and have a risk of them going through the divider? Or eaten?
If the second question is yes, how will feeding be?
It is great that you recognize that the environment for your fish is not ideal.

I would consider returning the platy to the fish store. They are sociable, and prefer to be in groups. Since you don't have room for a half dozen more platy, returning the one you do have might be the best option.

It's hard to answer your filter question without more information. What kind of filter is it? (internal sponge filter, hang on back, etc)

If you want the guppy fry to live, it would be best to keep them in the net until they are at least 1/4, 1/2 inch would be even better.

Keep in mind though that chances are your guppies will breed again. With no options for tank upgrades, it might be best to take the "fend for themselves" approach and let them go. If you have some fake plants with dense leaves, or other small hiding places - some will survive. They know they are vulverable and tend to seek out hiding places.
and how about feeding them? I know one lil fry has actually developed a nice orange tail and a black body (male). And surpriseingly, the platy hangs around with the guppies as if it's one of them :p I just can't bare to let a fish go :( I was thinking of letting go my newer betta but I don't know a decent store that doesn't treat bettas like...CRAPP...Any other suggestions? Thanks a lot as well!!

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