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  1. N

    My favorite runt

    :D He's staying with me.. he's 3/4 ct and 1/4 hmx A combo but appears to be more of a momma's boy.
  2. N

    how many days can a betta go without food?

    -_- I'm worried about that one too. I'll be gone for 5 days but they will be without food for 4 days. I think the adults will be okay but I worry about the babies. I'm planting the tanks heavily and still trying to find someone to come in for those couple of days.
  3. N


    :D I know... I'm watching that one myself plus one little orange male. Red seems to be the dominate color with this mating.
  4. N

    Java Moss or Java Fern

    -_- I am thinking of switching to live plants during the summer months. My silk plants are getting loaded with algae and it's a real chore getting that darn stuff off. If I switch to live plants which would be the best... java moss or java fern. I have the moss in with the fry now and...
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    :blink: She's a dark blue/black combo so she's not much help.
  6. N

    Plastic canvas

    -_- The 10 or 14 count should do it. I think mine is a 7 count and they can see thru it. Trust me on that. I believe the larger sizes, the smaller the holes. Here's one of mine with one on his side.
  7. canvas.jpg


  8. N

    Found some crowntails!!

    -_- I got two beautiful ones from them. Lost them both to dropsy from those darn black worms. Stopped feeding black worms, stopped losing fish. In fact I even conditioned my pair on betta bites.
  9. N

    Found some crowntails!!

    :D There's a big pet store on Jericho Tpke in the New Hyde Park area that might have some. I bought two there a couple months ago.
  10. N

    Proud Momma

    :) I really want to get into marble crowns. I bred her because she was so huge and wasn't dropping her eggs. She was so tiny and ate half her eggs during the spawning so I didn't expect 300+ fry. Quite a few bellysliders so natural culling has and is taking place. There's a good chance...
  11. N

    2 1/2 gallon tank with dividers

    :) They come in handy. I've used them as hospital tanks, extra tanks and breeding tanks.
  12. N

    Unexplained deaths

    -_- What was the live food???
  13. N

    Fry Tank

    Yes, there's a round corner sponge filter that's going very lightly. They seem to enjoy it and spend time around the sponge itself. This just happened in the past 24 hours. The filter's been in the tank for three plus weeks so I don't think the bubbles are from the filter. Just watched them...
  14. N


    -_- The breeding tank did not have any type of filter or air stone for the first week. I then started using a corner round sponge filter which is currently hooked up and madly working away. They seem to enjoy it and many spend considerable time around it or on it. My problem is getting the...
  15. N

    Fry Food

    :unsure: Okay, they have just hit the 4 week old mark. I would like to start giving them new food but the question is what. I tried a bloodworm... everyone just looked at it and went the other way. I tried frozen small brine shrimp... poo poo. I then tried large brine shrimp... they...
  16. N

    USPS Can No Longer Ship Fish???

    :whistle: When you ship them, do you completely fill the bag with air? Do you use an air pump to put the air in? I've always been wondering about this. Thanks
  17. N

    Betta Fry

    :rolleyes: I have been thinking they might be females. I planned to move them shortly to their own tank and see what developed. The cambos are just beginning to get touches of color now on their fins and areas of the body. A lot will be red - they've been reddish since the start. There's...
  18. N

    Would this be a good idea? or not?

    ;) Put them next to each other and see how she reacts.
  19. N

    Eggs have hatched!!

    :) I used a female just about 1 inch in size. Ended up with what I thought was a small spawn... until I counted them.... 317 in total.... and she ate some eggs.
  20. N

    I'm sad.

    :( I stopped into the local Petco in this area yesterday. I don't know what happened... they don't talk... there wasn't a single Betta in the place.
  21. N

    Sure fooled me

    -_- I expect thru natural culls that it should drop down to about 60 by the time they hit 8 weeks or so. I noticed that the larger ones are already picking on some of the smaller ones. There's some that haven't really developed beyond the hatching stage. There's another batch that haven't...
  22. N

    OMG how did he get in there ?????????

    -_- That happened once to me. Make sure that the divider is up against the sides and properly put into the bottom part. I discovered that I had put it in wrong one time and that little devil squeezed between the wall and the divider. I've never had them jump over as I keep the water level low.
  23. N

    5 week olds

    :D Thanks. That explains why I'm seeing it only on the darker ones and not on the cambo's.
  24. N

    5 week olds

    :huh: Do the stripes mean they are female or do all the young ones get them? Mine are two weeks old and I've noticed the stripes on a few of them, but not all of them.
  25. N

    I'm kinda discouraged right now.

    ;) Unfortunately in this world a little rain must fall. Some people just can't see the good side of anything. They are negative on just about everything in life, including themselves. A lot of people don't realize that these little guys have personalities. They just regard them as fish...
  26. N

    Tail-less Lucky's Progress Photos

    :D He's looking good !!! After having one bounce around on the cabinet top, I carefully remove them from the tank and leave them in a special covered container across the room from the sink and then carry the tank over to the sink. Don't laugh, but I always check to make sure there's no...
  27. N

    Latest fry shot

    ;) Just started going for air at 13 days.
  28. 13_days_old.jpg


  29. N


    ;) The male chased mine around for hours but neither one hurt each other more than 2 nipped fins.
  30. N

    Hikari Bio-gold pellets

    :) Mine get betta bites in the morning - a pinch and then the bio gold at night. Again depending on the size - 6 for the largest and 3 for the smaller girl. I did manage to under feed my plakat so that he started getting thin and had clamped fins. I put in some betta fix and increased his...
  31. N

    Fry breathing organ

    :) I guess they must be. I just didn't expect it so darn soon as I wanted to move them to a larger tank. Most of them are right on with the size chart. There are some runts thou and even some of them are running up. I've seen one tiny bully attempt so far. Some are really pretty shades...
  32. N

    Help !!! fungus on eggs

    -_- You should be able to tell now if there is fungus in the eggs. At this point you can start to see some development inside the eggs. I could see the tails, etc just about this point even though they were still in an egg form.
  33. N


    :D I've got a little guy just like that too. Pale white with touches of blue around the gill plates and blue gills.
  34. N

    The oddest thing ever flared at...

    :P Two of mine go absolutely wild when the cat jumps up by them. The others ignore her.
  35. N

    10G uncycled tank for my girls

    ;) Take the gravel out from one of your tanks before you clean it and use that for seeding. Then you can add new gravel to the bowl you're cleaning. That's what I am going to do plus use a sponge filter that I'm using in the fry tank.
  36. N


    :rolleyes: LOL good luck!! Mine were like the photo below on the 17th and are now eating baby BS. I'm using a combo of BS, liquidfry, and Betta First Bites. I started feeding on the 18th with liquidfry, combo of liquidfry and Betta First Bites on the 19th and from the 20th on BS, liquidfry...
  37. babies317am_2.jpg


  38. N

    salt in betta tank

    :) I add salt - approximately 3/4 of a teaspoon - at each water change. I have 9 2 1/2 gallon mini bows. I had a case of the ick several months ago so I just upped the salt, and the temperature along with AquaSol (?) and the ick was gone in a matter of just a few days.
  39. N

    Easy entertainment for your betta

    :) I've got two males who go absolutely nuts flaring at my cat, Casey. The others just ignore her, but these two will just go nuts when they see her.
  40. N

    Was bad tonight!! VERY BAD!

    ;) I have a white one just like that one ... right down to the touch of color on his fins. The same with the gills. I got mine at the local LFS.