Found some crowntails!!


Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
I've been looking and looking for a crowntail or halfmoon betta and couldnt find any. I have 3 VTs and I want ed 1 more betta.
Aquabid is one place to start. I also know there are a couple of betta clubs in New York state (near to Queens, no idea). They'd be a good place to inquire as well. You might find links to local clubs via the IBC page:
You'll also find many many breeder links there. Hope that helps! :)
nashnutny said:
:D There's a big pet store on Jericho Tpke in the New Hyde Park area that might have some. I bought two there a couple months ago.
You mean Pets of New Hyde Park? I check them a few weeks ago but they didnt have any..only a few VTs. I guess I'll have to check them again. Thanks. I'm checking out Aquabid right now but I dont really want to ship a fish.
I should be getting one or two crown/comb tails at the weekend (or sooner!). Not sure what they are, but they had gorgeous colours. Hmm... I wonder if I can pursuade dad to take me on thursday or friday...
I just purchased some fish from a woman in Brooklyn, last week. Her aquabid name is, Driven2. She also has a website. The web address is in the description of her auctions.
-_- I'm not sure of the name of the place. It's a large store with the tanks - loads of them - in the back. The bettas are usually either just as you go in on shelves or just to the left on top of the tanks.
I called up Pets of New Hyde Park and they have 8 crowntails in stock..I'm heading over there as soon as I can!! Its about 45 minutes drive each way though. Wish me luck!
-_- I got two beautiful ones from them. Lost them both to dropsy from those darn black worms. Stopped feeding black worms, stopped losing fish. In fact I even conditioned my pair on betta bites.

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