Fry Tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hampton Bays, NY (Good Ground)
:whistle: I was looking at the tank last night after feeding them and discovered what appears to be tiny bubble nests. They spend a lot of time hanging around the snails in the tank, especially when they are at the water line and that's where the little nests are.

Is this normal? Here's a shot. Sorry for the quality. Have problems getting that close with the camera


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have you got an air stone or foam filter in with the fry?
Yes, there's a round corner sponge filter that's going very lightly. They seem to enjoy it and spend time around the sponge itself.

This just happened in the past 24 hours. The filter's been in the tank for three plus weeks so I don't think the bubbles are from the filter.

Just watched them for a few seconds. They are the ones making the bubbles.
They take a bit of air and then out comes a bubble.
its could be where they are takeing gulps of air and hey take to much and spit some back out all my adult betta take in air and spit bubbles back out they arnt makeing nest it just something that happens, and where yours are doing it the filter ripples in the water and pushes the bubbles to the edge of the tank makeing a type of bubble nest.

good looking fry by the way what are they? what were the parents?
:) That's what it looks like they might be doing. :/ Daddy's a butterfly and Momma is a crown tail. She was so full of eggs that it was either loose her or do something about it. They were not what I really wanted to breed. Oh well, next time... She's madly in love with my black butterfly HMx.... but I'd really prefer doing marble CT's

They seem to be right in line with the chart for their age. Hopefully that keeps up so I can transfer them over to the LFS
from the coloration they almost look like snail eggs..i know you saw the fry blowing bubbles, but is it possible these are actually eggs?
As betta ct said, when they develop their labyrinth's they make some accidental bubbles. The more fish you have the more bubbles will show up. You might want to create a little more surface disturbance if they end up with too many in between water changes :)
:rolleyes: Thanks for the info. They are bubbles and not snail eggs. I had just feed them and it was before going around to remove any of the shells that might have come
in from the BS feeding. Try as I do, I still manage to get a few in there. Thankfully they end up around the edges so I can clean them up. The bottom needs a cleaning too so that's much next chore as soon as the wash is finished. I can't get to the tank until I move the washing machine. Ugg... small areas.

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