

Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2005
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Can I feed my fry LiquiFry for the first few days, then switching them to BBS? And then when is it suitable for them to be fed powdered food?
yes but don't use too much as all i will do is create inforsuria which the fry will feed on but using too much will fowl the water quickly........ :D
:) I used it also. However, I then combined it with newly hatched BS almost from day one. Many of the little guys actually went for the BS. I found that the smaller guys stayed in the java moss and I believe got more to eat in there than from the liquidfry.

They are at the funny stage now. Whenever I go close to the tank there's a stampede to the area where they are fed. Then you'll get all the hopeful little faces looking at


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Wow! Heh. This is my first spawn, so not hoping for THAT much bettas, heh. Plus the couples were VT and a Cambodian female, wonder what they'll look like.

BTW, do fry need a pump? (air pump, not filter)
BTW, do fry need a pump? (air pump, not filter)
Yes,definitely. They breathe air from the water until 3-4 weeks when they develop their labyrinths.After that it's still good to keep the pump on low to help break the surface of the water for them.
Really, wuv? I never heard of one being needed when I was doing all my research... Confound it....

Ah, well. Mine turned out fine.
Kiarra said:
Really, wuv? I never heard of one being needed when I was doing all my research... Confound it....

Ah, well. Mine turned out fine.
In all your research you've never seen an air pump recommended?

There are two million betta breeding sites out there,but I'll link the most popular, bettatalk ( :rolleyes: )
Spawn tank set up

Mistakes to avoid
Note #2,bubble per second.

I'm not saying it can't be done,especially if you use a large tank and have a few fish that survive. But it's best to provide some source of air when they're drawing oxygen from the water. This ensures you'll have a high survival rate.
As wuv said, remember they do not become surface breathers until they develop the labyrinth :)
I spent MONTHS researching it. Literally....

Maybe I blocked it all out....

-_- The breeding tank did not have any type of filter or air stone for the first week. I then started using a corner round sponge filter which is currently hooked up and madly working away. They seem to enjoy it and many spend considerable time around it or on it.

My problem is getting the little buggers to eat frozen food. They want their live baby BS and that's final.
I usually keep mine off until after I remove dad,and then I barely turn it on at all.

I'm not trying to knock Kiarra's experience by any means. I'm glad it worked for her. It's just something that I believe to be especially important during the first three weeks,especially the middle two weeks. Well,the third's just good for the surface tension.

Nash~ don't be surprised if they refuse frozen. They'll not show interest until around four weeks,when they need something more filling. But if you can get just on to take it,they will all follow and they'll want meaty food from there on out. They'll suddenly look at bbs like dust :)

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