Plastic canvas


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Grantham, UK
I have read on here about using plastic canvas for creating dividers for betta tanks and regular fish tanks. I have found plastic canvas on the web but it comes in different count sizes.....whatever that is!!!

I want one type for bettas, I guess fairly small perforations so they can't see each other too much, and another type for a guppy tank, larger holes but still so juvie and adult guppies can't sneak through.

I have the choice of 5 count or 7 count.... or 7 mesh, 10 mesh or 14 mesh?!?!?

Sorry, should've said I'm getting it off ebay, with no pics..... dunno if low number = bigs holes or vice versa!
The bigger the number the smaller the holes.
The number they give you is the number of holes in a line per inch :)

Hope that helps you.
-_- The 10 or 14 count should do it. I think mine is a 7 count and they can see thru it. Trust me on that.

I believe the larger sizes, the smaller the holes.

Here's one of mine with one on his side.


  • canvas.jpg
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I just made some yesterday and looked at the 3 different counts and choose 7 count mesh. Its perfect, water flows through better than the usual dividers but the holes aren't too big that the fish can bite eachother. cost me 90p from Beatties and also saw it for 95p from a wool shop.

Oops, edited to make that pence and not pounds :lol:
Thanks guys! Have ordered some off ebay, plus some poster rods - remember those plastic slidy things that always seemed a good idea but you got half way on the poster and they stuck? Anyway, thought I could put a bead of silicone down the length of two of these, and it would create a rubbery 'non slip' surface to butt up against the glass, with the plastic canvas slotted neatly in between.

Sounds good, we shall see. I'm not very crafty - I staple or sellotape hems when they come down.... just remember, staples usually go rusty after you wash them a few times..... good tip there!

Sarah :D
im useing plastic canvas in my tank now as well, it works great for tanks with a weak current but if u have a big filter in there, the crap will just get blown over. great for bettas :thumbs:
Have this lovely image of you stapling your skirt Sarah :lol:

We have a hobbycraft opening near us but not till the end of May so I had to go seraching round the shops. Found the wool shops were the place they stocked it and not the craft shops as they were all paints and stuff.

Hope it works out for you Sarah. I used book binders for mine, they were 99p for 10 of them. I didn't put any sealant down, just made them very snug and so far so good <crosses fingers and toes>
I never thought about stapling a skirt.
I wonder if you could staple the toes of pantyhose when you get a run - sort of just wad it all up under your foot until the run is not visible anymore and then staple staple staple!

BettaMomma said:
I wonder if you could staple the toes of pantyhose when you get a run - sort of just wad it all up under your foot until the run is not visible anymore and then staple staple staple!

That's what clear nail polish is for, BettaMomma! ;)
Stops a run in its tracks
SarahBravo said:
Thanks guys! Have ordered some off ebay, plus some poster rods - remember those plastic slidy things that always seemed a good idea but you got half way on the poster and they stuck? Anyway, thought I could put a bead of silicone down the length of two of these, and it would create a rubbery 'non slip' surface to butt up against the glass, with the plastic canvas slotted neatly in between.
No need to use two pieces of poster rod. The plastic canvas will slide into the poster rod quite easily (the way posters never did :D ). Just silicone one length to each side of the tank and slip the canvas in. If you want, you can slide strips onto the top and bottom of the plastic canvas as well, to help it keep it firm.

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