OMG how did he get in there ?????????


New Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Saratoga Springs, New York
I have two males in a divided 2.5 gal, at one point i had heard this was cruel so I seperated them in 2 different tanks but they seemed very depressed and the ones tail seemed to get more chewed up. So I put them back together in the now unfiltered 2.5 gal (wc every 2 days) and they seem happier, they would not eat when I split them up weird!!! I brought them home at the same time.


When I came home from work last night I turned on the light in the betta tank which I always do when I come home. They swam to the front of the tank to say hello, like always. About 1hr later I was on the phone looked over at the betta's side by side staring at me, :look: I had to do a double take, thought I was seeing things but it was real. They were swiming together , how long I am not sure but they were not fighting. I watched for a coulple of minutes and nothing happened. So I put the Fiesty back on his side of the tank and went about my business. A little while later looked again and yet he managed to, I think jump from one side to the other, still were NOT fighting so watched for a couple more minutes and moved Fiesty back to his side again. This time I took some water out mabey the water was to high I did do a water change the night before. He has not done it again. I was wondering if they actually like eachothers company wierder things can happen. Mabey when I can sit with all eyes only on them I can watch there behavior together but be ready if something happens, I would never leave them alone.
What do you think ??????????????
That's very strange. But like you said, odder things have happened. Like when dogs are best friends with baby chicks, etc.

I would never ever put them in together. I would probably give them a clear divider so they can see each other, and make sure it's impossible for them to get together.

They are very unpredictable and one of them could just snap at any time. And, one of my bettas is trying to regrow his tail (it was completely taken off his body before I got him) and I'd hate to see anything like that happen because one of the 2 of your boys got irritated.
They do and always have had a clear divider it is one of those colored mini bowls (2.5 gal) its called, the divider is clear and slotted in the begining I thought they were nipping each other through the slots but when I seperated them fiestys tail got worse(mabey he was chewing it himself) and they seemed depressed. So (just in case) I did take one of those flexi binders (thin plastic) and cut it to fit the same size as the slotted divider and put that in there so they could not get each others tails but they they can still see each other. I think they are buddies, they like eachothers company. I will not take the divider out. They are really good boys and I love them dearly.
-_- That happened once to me. Make sure that the divider is up against the sides and properly put into the bottom part. I discovered that I had put it in wrong one time and that little devil squeezed between the wall and the divider. I've never had them jump over as I keep the water level low.
I have a CT and a VT housed side-by-side, and I can't separate them. When I do, the VT stops eating and starts floating on his side at the surface. But when I bring him back next to his CT buddy, he immediately perks up, flares, blows bubblenests, and makes a general flaring ruckus. Take him away to get him calm...and, within a minute, he's playing dead.

Silly Bettas. That's what they all are. They're just silly. :)

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