Hikari Bio-gold pellets


Fish Addict
Feb 28, 2005
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Houston, Tx.
Everytime I go to the room to check on mine he always goes to the spot that we feed him in and practically begs to be fed. It's like he's starving. I haven't been tempted to over-feed him yet as I know that will do more harm than good. How many pellets do you feed your betta?
The reason he does that is because Bettas are little pigs. :)

It really depends on the size of the Betta, though, how much you feed him. Large Bettas get larger portions, small Bettas get smaller portions. I tend to experiment with different feeding amounts. If it makes them fat or they don't eat their whole portion, I feed them less the next time.

For instance, Flynn (a green Delta, who's only about 4 1/2 months old right now, and very small), tends to get 6 or so pellets, because he's a growing boy and it never rounds out his belly, and there's never any waste. Bard (a red Delta of about the same age and size), however, gets no more than 4, because his appetite isn't quite as large, and he ALWAYS leaves waste if I feed him more than that.

Hope that helps answer your question.
Sometimes I feel I'm starving my betta too. Since I have my betta in aprox. a half gallon bowl, I don't want to overfeed him . This is my 2nd betta, I've had him for 3 weeks. I feed him 3 baby pellets in the AM and 2 baby pellets at night. I use the Hikari Bio Gold pellets also.

I am using this reasoning, because my first betta also lived in this small bowl for 4 years. He was extremely healthy, only getting sick? once and that was about a year and a half before he died. I don't know if he was actually sick, he wouldn't eat for a few days. I then treated his water with some type of fish medicine ( can't remember) and he was fine shortly after.

So I am going to care for this new betta the same as my other one.

Also, I've heard " a hungry fish is a healthy fish"

good luck :)
I feed him 3 in the morning and 3 at night. He's about a year old (not sure but I got him at WM and most of the bettas there are that age).

Edited to add: lol...he's trying to build a bubble-nest...darn filter keeps destroying it. :rolleyes:
Three in the morning and three at night isn't bad at all. He should be pretty happy with that, unless he's a massive Betta or a very quickly growing one. But if you notice that he seems to be getting thin at all, you can feed him a little more. That diet should sustain him well, though.

And he's building a bubblenest, so you must be doing SOMETHING right. :)
I don't feed mine Hikari (but I will when I order some), but he gets a pinch of flake a day (but he's not that keen on it) or a few bloodworms or some baby waxworms (he likes them).
I feed my boys 5 pellets once or twice a day :nod:
When i had that he got 5in the mornin and 5at night.... He has gone really gready now though........... :rolleyes:
:) Mine get betta bites in the morning - a pinch and then the bio gold at night. Again depending on the size - 6 for the largest and 3 for the smaller girl. I did manage to under feed my plakat so that he started getting thin and had clamped fins. I put in some betta fix and increased his food. He's happy again and very very active. There are 13 adult bettas with bubble nests in 10 of the tanks so I assume they are happy.
with all 4 of my male bettas (not sure their ages but all were purchased at my lfs and look fully mature) i start with 3 hikari baby betta pellets - the regular size are too big for them, they have to chew them up & spit them out, then eat them again. if they eat all 3 i give them 1 more. if they eat that one then i give them only 1 more after that. i do this in the morning & in the evening.
Bio-Gold is what my boys get too, and some days a few bloodworms (frozen). Are you able to feed more of the Bio-Gold pellets than some other brands? It seems like the Bio-Gold instructions say to give more than most food instructions do for bettas. I enjoy feeding my guys so I like that I can give them more than 1 or 2 a day. One betta care instruction sheet I looked at said to only feed your betta 2-3 times per WEEK :unsure: :dunno: . I've been giving my guys 2-3 pellets 2-3 times per day, was worried I might be overdoing it but they suck everything down like little greedy vacuums :D
So many care sheets don't seem to be written for the actual health and well-being of the animal....

Bettas love to be fed everyday. Or twice a day. Or three times or a day. Or, basically, as many times as you'll let them eat. Bettas are pigs. :)

One meal a day is good. Two small meals a day is even better. Many Betta keepers advise skipping one day of feeding as often as once a week to let them digest what they've already gotten into their systems, to help prevent constipation. Sometimes I do this. Sometimes I don't. I've never had any constipated Bettas, but I feed modestly, whatever the fish requires to keep a nice, rounded belly, without a BIG, plump, male-looks-gravid kind of belly.
Ours usually get 3 twice a day plus I generally give them a very small portion of what ever frozen food I'm feeding the tropical tank a couple nights a week. As someone said earlier, they are pigs. Mine would litterally eat the entire pack if I put it in there. I think they would eat till they exploded.
Aww, now I feel like I starve my betta! I feed him 2-4 pellets a day. I used to feed mine 3 pellets 2x's a day.

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