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    My goldfish is sick. What does he have?

    It's only one big blister. It hasn't become worse since yesterday. I don't think I can hold a fish and pet him. I wouldn't know if there is liquid inside. I will test the water tonight. In the meantime, the tank is 20 gallon freshwater. Inhabitants: 2 corycats, 2 goldfish, 1 dwarf frog...
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    My goldfish is sick. What does he have?

    Hi everyone. I have a goldfish that has something that looks like a blister on his body. There are no scales there anymore. I hope someone can see from the picture attached what it is so I can treat it. For the rest, he seems very happy, swimming around and eating normally. Sylvia
  3. goldfish.jpg


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    Can I mix cory catfish with goldfish

    I don't really know what type of corycat I have. It's speckled. It looks a little like a sterbai, but I didn't pay that much so I don't think it's a sterbai. They are quite big and my goldfish are pretty small so they are all about the same size. My froggy has been with tropicals all this time...
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    Water becomes opaque

    On the bottle of "ammo lock" it says it dechlorinates the water.
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    Water becomes opaque

    Hi: I have a problem. I have 2 tanks: a 5 gallon and a 20 gallon. I put new water one week ago in the 5 gallon and in the 20 gallon and the water is turning opaque in both. The small tank (it's actually a big bowl) has 2 goldfish in it. The big one is cycling with 2 corycatfish, a snail and...
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    Can I mix cory catfish with goldfish

    Hi: I've had a problem with my fishtank and the fish in my signature are the only survivors of this mishap. Know I'm thinking of starting goldfish instead. I have 2 of them in a separate bowl. Is this a good idea to stock catfish with goldfish? I put them together for 24 hours and they seem...
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    Can Ammo Lock be the cause of massive death?

    Yes, it could be that they have a disease or something. .. Right now, I have 2 black tetras left and 2 corycats. My snail and dwarf frog have been evacuated to my goldfish tank. I was wondering, are goldfish easier to take care of? They seem stronger than the tropicals, but since they...
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    Can Ammo Lock be the cause of massive death?

    Hi: Everything was fine until today. 5 of my fish died suddenly after I added a gallon of water that had been detoxified with Ammo Lock. I didn't think I put too much of it. pH level is fine. Nitrites and nitrates are ok too. It's a mystery to me. What could have happened. The fish that...
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    filter problem

    Hi everyone. My filter is not working as well as it used to. Instead of streaming down steadily, the water is just trickling down. I took it appart, cleaned everything, filled it with lots of water, but to no avail. What could be the problem.? Sylvia
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    Could I add a guppy?

    What's a good pH level for guppies. My pH level dropped to 5. I am going to replace my dwarf gourami, who just died... Sylvia
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    Raise pH - How much do I have to put?

    Hi Everyone: My dwarf gourami died. I just did my tests and my tank is pretty messed up. My pH dropped to 5, my NH3NH4 is 1.5 and my NO2 is 0.25 :unsure: I have ammo chips in my filter. I also have Nitra Zorb in the filter. So, I don't really know what to do. For now, I think I will...
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    Could I add a guppy?

    Hi: I was wondering if I could add a guppy with the existing stock. Thanks. Sylvia
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    Raise pH - How much do I have to put?

    Hi: My pH level is 6. I got a little box of "Raise pH" from Wardley. How do I use this? Thanks. Sylvia
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    Need some stocking advise...

    About the pink tetra's. Yes, I found out AFTER I buyed them. I wouldn't have chosen dyed fish if I had been told at the time of purchase. Sylvia
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    Need some stocking advise...

    Hi: I was wondering if, based upon my current stock, I could add a guppy and a couple of top feeders? Or would I be overstocking if I do that? Thanks. Sylvia
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    Can I mix an aquatic turtle with tropical fish?

    Hi: This may be a silly question. I was just wondering. Since I have a snail and a dwarf frog. I just love to have diversity. Also, If there is some kind of a small fully aquatic turtle, what would be the name of that species? Thanks. Sylvia
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    I have a dwarf flame gourami (orange). He's very nice and is healthy so far (I only have him for about a month). Sylvia
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    I think my blackskirt tetra might be pregnant

    The only way I was able to put a picture in my message is by putting a link. So, if you click on it, you will see her. About constipation, how do I take care of that? :rolleyes: Sylvia
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    Cleaning your gravel

    I have tried to "vacuum" with the syphon but I'm really not good at it. I guess I need some more practice. I got a black snail who is "cleaning the ornaments of my tank (she's doing a great job!) and I also have a cory catfish and dwarf frog who take care of food leftovers. However, I...
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    Dyed fish

    I guess your fish dealer should be able to tell you. I have pink tetra's that are dyed. I didn't know when I bought them. I wouldn't buy dyed fish. Sylvia
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    I think my blackskirt tetra might be pregnant

    Here she is... The picture is not very clear, but it will give you an idea... Now all I need is you to tell me she's a male :kana: Sylvia
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    I think my blackskirt tetra might be pregnant

    Hi: I have a blackskirt tetra whose abdomen is getting really big. I think she might be pregnant and I want to be prepared just in case. What am I supposed to do if I find babies in the tank one day? I read somewhere I should separate them and put the babies in a breeding tank. Any advice...
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    nitrate in tap water.

    So what would be your suggestion based upon my current tank population? I need some colorful presence here. I can't keep an angelfish because my tank is too small and the heigth is only 12'. What about a beta? Would that mix with my tetra's and my tank situation?
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    How often should I change my filter?

    I use Bio-Bag from Tetra, produced for this filter. I will clean the filtration unit in tank water. That's a good tip! But how often do I replace this cartridge? --------------------------------------------------- Whisper® Bio-Bag® Cartridges complete the Whisper® Power Filter package for a...
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    nitrate in tap water.

    Thanks for your reply. I don't know how they treat the water here, but i will try to get hold of Ammo Lock. Now for the pH problem, I was hoping to add a dwarf gourami to my community. What do you think?
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    How often should I change my filter?

    Hi All: I set up the tank about 6 weeks ago. The cycling process was finished after 4 weeks. Now, I'm wondering when and how often I should change my filter. I'm using a second nature whisper power filter for a 20 gallon tank. I put ammo chips in the filter pouch and right now, there is a...
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    nitrate in tap water.

    In addition to my previous post: What I was actually referring to was the NH3-NH4 level. I believe that's the ammonia level. The test shows 1.5mg/l which is considered toxic. What's worse? Putting toxic water in the tank or water without minerals? My nitrite level is 0. So that's OK. My...
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    nitrate in tap water.

    Thanks for letting me know. I was going to remove my nitro-zorb pouch. (another nitrate removing product), but I guess, I'll just take the risk of not boiling the water and leave the nitro-zorb in there? Sylvia
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    Use of pH7.0 regulator by Seachem

    Hi all: I went out to buy a dwarf gourami yesterday, but when I told the salesman my pH is 8. he told me I had to bring that down first. I brought home a pot of pH 7.0 Neutral Regulator by Seachem and added a little bit to the tank. My question is the following: on the box, it says: Does...
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    nitrate in tap water.

    I solved this problem by boiling the water. Sylvia
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    What to do with fin nippers and their victims?

    Hi: At first, I had one black (skirt) tetra who was constantly the victim of my 3 pink tetra's. I added 2 other black (skirt) tetra's to make him feel better and the attacks of the pink tetra's stopped. The problem is now that the 3 black (skirt) tetra's are often fighting among one another...
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    Cycling products

    I used ammo chips. 2 fishes died the next day. Then, when the nitrite spiked, I used nitro-zorb. My nitrite went down to 0 in 2 days. Question is: maybe it would have gone down without the nitro-zorb. I don't know for sure. It was recommended to me here and I believe it helped. Sylvia
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    Problem with nitrItes

    I had problems with nitrates too. Someone in this forum recommended me Nitra-Zorb. It's a little pouch you put in the filter. I think it helped. 2 days later, my levels were 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates. My fish have been happy ever since...
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    To Plant, or not to Plant?

    When I first started out, my lfs told me I shouldn't keep live plants with goldfish because they would eat the plants. I put the goldfish in a separate bowl, used my tank as a freshwater for tropicals and got a couple of live plants for my tropicals. As my plants are growing, I sometimes give...
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    Choosing stock

    Thanks Terry for your suggestions. I just bought a cory catfish. He looks cute and very happy. Sylvia
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    Choosing stock

    Hi everyone: It seems I'm done with the cycling, or almost... I just need to find a nitrate test. Ammonia, and nitrites are 0 now. pH is 8. I would like to add a fish soon. Based upon my existing stock (see signature), what would you recommend ? I would love to have a small angel again, but I...
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    Mysterious death

    Problem is: my lfs didn't have nitrate tests. I only have 3 test kits now... (pH, ammonia, and nitrites) How long after the nitrite is settled does it usually take for the nitrate to settle down? Sylvia
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    Kissing gouramis aggressive? Sounds contradictory doesn't it? :lol: I'm glad there are dwarf gouramis. I like gouramis. I was thinking of adding one to my tank later on. How big does a pearl gourami become? What do you think ? Could I later add one small angelfish and one dwarf gourami to...
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    Mysterious death

    I thought that when you have a pH of 8, ammonia of 0 and nitrite of 0, the cycling is over (it's been 4 weeks now since the tank has been set up). Is there something else I have to check now before I can add a fish in a couple of days? Sylvia