Choosing stock


Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Bergenfield, NJ, USA
Hi everyone:

It seems I'm done with the cycling, or almost...
I just need to find a nitrate test. Ammonia, and nitrites are 0 now. pH is 8.

I would like to add a fish soon. Based upon my existing stock (see signature), what would you recommend ?

I would love to have a small angel again, but I might have to get rid of at least one black tetra who is very aggressive.
I'm also thinking of getting a dwarf gourami, but at my lfs, they told me gouramis are aggressive too. What is your experience with that?
How big is a pearl gourami?

Then, I will probably get a bottom dweller, like a loach or something...

Any recommendations are really appreciated.

First, glad to see you are waiting for the nitrate test. If your LFS will test your water perhaps they will test the nitrates for you until you can get a kit.

Second, angels should have a minimum tank depth of 18 inches so if your tank is not 18" high then i would not get an angel at this time. You may be tempted cause they are small right now but they will grow very quickly and if you dont hav a bigger home for them they may get very aggressive, very stressed and perhaps very sick.

Some gouramis are aggressive but i have found that with the dwarfs if you get only one and have no other competiton like bettas etc. then they are usually OK. Pearl gouramis in an aquarium usually get between 3-4 inches in length and once again are usually peaceful if they are the only gouramis in the tank.

A lot of loaches are schooling fish that get very large. perhaps a few cories or a bristlenose plec might be a better choice right now. HTH and good luck :)

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