Raise pH - How much do I have to put?

just put some in as often as it tells you untill it reaches the appropriate level

it is often better not to chnage it mine like 6.6 i think
I wouldn't mess with the pH. Is there a particular reason why you would want to? If you are buying local fish, they are generally acclimmated to the pH of the local water. Mine is very high (almost 9) and many fish have thrived at this pH. The ONLY reason I have added RO water to lower my pH is because I am breeding fish in which pH and water temp determine the sex (and amount) of fry. IMO, don't even bother: I tried it (pH down) about 1 1/2 years ago, and it worked for about an hour or two before it shot back up again. Something about the buffering capacity. HTH
I agree with the others. I wouldn't mess with your pH. Especially if its for the fish in your signature. Those fish are from the soft, low pH waters. They wouldn't be as happy in higher pH. It might help the snail, depending on the ingredients. Don't know about the ADF though.
If you are going to add stuff for the ph Please use baking soda it is the safest way . Just add a teaspoon per 5 gallon of water, this is the only way to raise the ph without adding all those stressful chemicals.
Hi Everyone:

My dwarf gourami died.
I just did my tests and my tank is pretty messed up.

My pH dropped to 5,
my NH3NH4 is 1.5
and my NO2 is 0.25

I have ammo chips in my filter. I also have Nitra Zorb in the filter.

So, I don't really know what to do.

For now, I think I will start putting a teaspoon of raise pH to begin with.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Water changes.

That will help with the nitrite and amonia levels. It will also raise your pH a bit, assuming that your tap water is higher than the 5 in your tank.

Sorry to hear about your gourami.

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