Problem with nitrItes


New Member
Jul 12, 2004
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Newcastle - uk
Tank has been up and running for 5 weeks with fish (after cycling) 5 ruby barbs and 6 corys (3 different types). But for the past week have had high nitrItes. Ammonia is between 0 and 0.25ppm. NitrItes 2, and nitrAtes 5-10 ppm. I am doing daily water changes of 25% and reduced feeding to once every other day, but the levels don't seem to be coming down. The fish all appear well and are still very active and don't seem to be gasping. Any advice please? :unsure:

I have a 13 gal/uk tank. I had been doing water changes every 2-3 days with it still being quite new, and the fish were added over a period of 2-3 weeks.
I have a sand substrate and must admit i have trouble cleaning this as unsure how to do it correctly and how often. I do attempt to clean the sand twice a week.
When you say do a couple of larger water changes do you mean every day for a few days?
Thanks for the advice

When you do you water changes, are you using a python skimmer to clean your gravel. It could be something decaying in your gravel that is causing your nitrites.

I have a gravel syphon but I also have another tank with gravel substrate and i don't have water chem problems with that. The gravel tank has more fish and i do water changes every 2-3 days again because it is still quite new. I set both tanks up at the ame time.
Will do big water changes as suggested and will let you know the outcome :nod:

I had problems with nitrates too. Someone in this forum recommended me Nitra-Zorb. It's a little pouch you put in the filter.
I think it helped. 2 days later, my levels were 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates.
My fish have been happy ever since...

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