Could I add a guppy?

Yes that should be fine. 1 inch of fish per gallon of water is the general rule. :thumbs:
What's a good pH level for guppies. My pH level dropped to 5.
I am going to replace my dwarf gourami, who just died...

Sylvia27 said:
What's a good pH level for guppies. My pH level dropped to 5.
I am going to replace my dwarf gourami, who just died...

6.5 I'd say
guppies are nice fish but yopu are better off to get more than one as they might feel a wee bit lonely on their own you may be better off getting some more neons foirst they prefer to swim in shoals. like what ferrikins said :nod:
OK I consulted my books, and google.

Guppies are ok with 5.5-8.5 ph

Neons 5.8-6.5 ph

so can't see your PH being to much of a prob for them, I not got round to checking the other fish in your tank yet. But it simple anothe to put there names in google and get your arnser, like I did with the neon's.

neons can suffer from being lonely, I remember I balt 3 different types of tetra's was hoping the would shoul together, well the neon died the day after, was'nt sick just did'nt want to be on it's own.

Guppies on the other hand, are fine on there own, but 2 nice colored males would look great, but keep an eye out for nipping.
I'd increase your tetra shoals and cory shoals (tetras need groups of 6, cories a minnimum of 4) - at which point you are fully stocked but can add a male guppy if you realy want one and if your nitrAtes are still under control.

Now about those pHs :p Guppies used to be quite hardy and could deal with all sorts of parameters. Lately, unfortunately, the numbers bred and in-bred have caused several weaker strains. I still find half-black reds to be hardy. Generaly speaking, those that grow bigger are also the less in-bred (because size/health etc are sacrificed for color in newer strains) and so are the hardiest and can deal with varied parameters.
Guppies actualy preffer alkaline water on the harder side and do well with added salt (not an option with cories in there).
Nipping could be an issue with the black skirts in there though. The guppy's fins might prove irresistable.

BTW, what has caused your drop in pH? You should focus on fixing this first and then getting more fish. Your dwarf gourami likely died from the sudden change - gouramies are sensitive like that. Did you recently add wood or something? 5 IS rather low. If this is the pH of water from your tap though, leave it as it is and keep it steady and you should be fine.

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