Dyed fish


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Medford New Jersey
O.k, well, I was looking at the platies in my tank and they are different from most platies. I want to know if they are dyed or not.

1. See through orange, as if the origional color was scraped off, because I do see specks of the natural color. Also a black spot before the tail
2. Black with yellow head and body, black fins
3. Black fins, orange, but with white gills

On the tank, it was listed "assorted fancy platies". I figured that platies weren't listed on the list of fish they dye, but now I am beginning to think they were dyed.
Dyed fish are usually very bright neon colors which would be very easy to tell.
yeah i have a glass fish that was dyed a neon green. yeah i agree there pretty much dyed neon colors.

well, my platies are not neon or flourescent colors so I guess they're not died. Either dull yellow or black are the unusual colors.
are there any methods to tell if the fish is dyed?
I guess your fish dealer should be able to tell you.
I have pink tetra's that are dyed. I didn't know when I bought them.
I wouldn't buy dyed fish.

Don't worry your platies are not dyed. The first type you described are gold twinbar platies, my favourite :). My 3 platies are of that variety. You also may have a couple of red platys, the other ones I am unsure of.
When my 5th grade class had platies, we had some that were black and yellow, they were called Assorted Platies.

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