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    Do I or don't I need air,

    I got a 55 gal tank last night(b-day present from husband)...I went to go buy the bubble wands to put in the bottom of the tank...lfs is telling me i do not need that, cause the filter adds enough air to the water...hmmmmm :unsure: what do u all think? should I not get the bubble wand or not?
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    Mysterious Platy Deaths

    The exact samething happen to my sunset platty's. They were fine and every morn. when I would get up one was marks no nothing...I have 2 left a red platy and one sunset male. I have no clue what happen...all the rest of my fish r fine. I lost 4 female platy's in 4 days. srry 4 ur loss
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    A platy is born...

    aww man, I couldn't get it to work...I heard the music...but said error in code... :no:
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    a lil guppy trouble

    Binnox is the best and fastest cure for fin rot...I have used them all...and binnox is the best...good luck
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    sick guppy

    yes....I have mollies, platys. guppies and corys...1 sucker fish and there all fine but him.
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    sick guppy

    I seen where my fancy tailed male guppy, tail was big and bright red , and earlier today i seen it have gray lines in i treated for tail rot...It is not got tail rot, but now his tail is completely gray...and he is acting weak...what can cause this losing all his color in his tail?
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    Very few Zebra fry....

    so u think ur zebra laid eggs and they hatched..If u have marble os rocks in the bottom of ur tank, it is sure that a few could survive...
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    The signs r not there, so now what?

    I have platys, mollies and guppys....I have lost about 4 batches of fry due to akk the sign u lookout for that a preggp does before she drops arn't there.My fish don't lay on the bottom, they don't hide, they don't, and they sure don't stop eating...It is very urgant that I raise some fry due to...
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    lost a batch of fry

    I put my momma guppy in a breeder net, cause I knew she would drop any time...when I did she started going up and down the mesh on the net, til she rubbed her lips I put her back into my big tank...she had all her fry in there and the buzzards got them...I set up a 10 gallon as a...
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    Swordtail pestering other fish

    I got a new sword tail, and he is great...I have a male sunset platy, he was very mean to my tuxcedo platy's...I was afraid he would be toward these swords...but him and the male sword tail seem to be the best of friends...I have heard of taking the fish out of the tank for a few days, then...
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    Platty fry in breeding trap

    I have an extra breeder when one gets messy...i put them in the clean one, and clean that on and so forth...the way I transfer them from one net to the next, I put both nets in at the same time and I keep the empty one in the water, and slowly raise the one that the fry is in...
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    ick treatmeants

    I don't use salt cause i have pleco and elbino cats in my tank...quick cure is what i use
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    :sad: I have posted a few things on here, and it saddens me that I can't get much help...I see some gets alot of replys, and I don't see the differance in need. I know u all wish people would not post about how long til babies r born or is she pregant...but I thought that was what the form was...
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    female lyre tail molly

    I have noticed for the last couple of days that my felmale molly's stomach is big...but on on the bottom...I know yal have posted alot of oic on peggo's but not on a plain molly (lyre tail). Can anyone help me to see if she could be pregant, or over eats. Thanks for any help.
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    Sick Platy

    I had 5 female sunset platies, 1 male sunset platy. one female red platy...2 weeks ago. I wake up to find one of my females had died, everyday one died...I have 1 red platy and the male still alive, and they seem fine...It has been a week now with no loss...I was feeding my fish when one...
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    i don't understand...still pregant

    She is getting so big that she looks funny...i guess when she was like that, i had put her my fry tank to have her babies...back on the 8th...maybe she acted that way cause of that...I put her back in the big tankon the 14th. This is my first bach of fry...i have 11 white sail fin molly...
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    i don't understand...still pregant

    On june 2nd...I posted a topic on my guppy being in labor...she had every it is the 24th and still no fry...22 days now and still nothing... I guess i was wrong about that...or did i make her abort the first batch when i put her in a breeders net? I have waited so long...
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    The Twilight Zone...

    I just wanted to add my 2 cents....With my guppy female, she will hide in the plants i have to have her fry...and there will be 3 or 4 other guppys waiting in the shadows...and as the fry r being born they will follow her around and pick the off as they come out...i have saved to out of all of...
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    Sailfin mollies BABIES!!YAY!

    i would like to have some too...what color r they...and how will u ship?
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    re:pregant platy

    If a platy is going to have babies, she want have the gravid spot like a guppy does?
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    Severe Tail Rot on Sword Tail

    we also used the melfex, it didn't work good or fast enough...get that binnox it really does work. I am sorry about ur fish...but if one fish in ur tank has fin rot the chances of the rest getting it is most likely. I have platys, mollys and guppys, and i have had all the illness, and the binnox...
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    Which livebearer is easiest to breed and maintain?

    I have all three, guppy, platy and molly...I have 3 sail fin blk mollies, there my fav. but very hard to keep alive...if i bring any new fish in to the tank they will start having fungus growing on them, I mean really bad. I love them tho. to me the guppies r the easest, my platy's r hiders, and...
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    Boycott the walmart fish!

    Walmart has one filter for all those tanks. I know that if u see one tank that has sick fish in it, that same water is cycled through all the other tanks putting the same illness in all tanks. If I wanted any new fish I had to go to wal-mart or petsmart, one was as bad as the other. I would...
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    Severe Tail Rot on Sword Tail

    My friend and I both had severe fin rot in our tanks, we could not get rid of it for nothing...due to taking dead fish back to lps and getting new ones. tryed all kinds of meds...until I came to something online, were they had the same problem...Binnox is what was that really works...
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    what should i get mollies or guppies

    I love both, but if I had to choose...Guppy's is what i would get. But in a 10 gal... u wanting babies?
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    I have molly fry, from a white sail fin molly, I was amazed at the comment from earlier, about selling them as feeder fish.... I would never think of doing that to my fry....I can't even imagine anyone doing that.
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    Did they have iCh

    Ich is small, salt like grandulers on ur fishes body...the white cottony stuff is a fungus... 2 different illness 2 different cures.
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    is this better

    No they are in the tank...They will swim on their backs to get to the bottom of the net.
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    is this better

    I have been told 2 different things on that, some say yes some say no. But I am not willing to take the chance, so I keep my fry in a breeder net.
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    is this better

    OK...I have never seen them eat I said in the reply...I just know it is clean of any "poo" So I think they do...But I could be wrong...
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    One more question

    If I raise the water temp. could that help her have the babies?
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    is this better

    I guess so...that and any food left on the bottom...I have seen them clean the bottom of the net. as for "poo" on the bottom of the net, there is none there. So u can come up with ur own :dunno:
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    is this better

    I have a elbino cat fish that will clean the bottom of the net for me.
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    what kind of livebearers do u have

    I have molly's, platy's and guppy's...but I had sailfin molly fry first....4 female platy's, one male babies...I might be having a guppy cross platy, my guppy is trying his best... wish him luck, I would to the mix... fancy tailed guppy and a sunset platy...hmmmm what would I call it?
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    hmmm, still?

    On June 3rd, I posted a question about my female guppy...On June 3rd she was pushing like she was in labor, her anal tube was swollen, all the signs of fixin to drop. I put her in a breeder net, 48 hours ago, and still nothing. I am scared that when i netted her maybe it made her abort the...
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    Is my molly sick,pregnat,or just shy?

    I did the samething, bought a new fish and when i put in my tank, i just knew it was gonna die. But it took about 2 days and now they are happy and doing if i don't see no signs of illness i chalk it off to shyness.
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    how can i tell

    I know I had sail fin molly that gave birth, a nice sice guppy had her fry molly fry are larger than the guppy fry.
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    filter question

    I have 11 molly fry, 2 weeks old....I have a 29 gal, and a 35 gal tank. I had a pregant guppy in the 29 gal alone...and 11 molly fry in a breeders net. I took all my fry out and put them in the 29 gal, and put my guppy in the net, the babies r in there alone...I had to cut my filter all the way...
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    guppy in labor?

    thanks... :hyper:
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    guppy in labor?

    I have seen her roll on the rocks once or twice. Yesterday I also seen clear poop coming out her anal tube. What does close mean exacally? cause 10 min is close...1 day is not. She is the only fish in that tank. will the gravid spot still be blk at all times? I know that sometimes during the day...