i don't understand...still pregant


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
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On june 2nd...I posted a topic on my guppy being in labor...she had every sign...now it is the 24th and still no fry...22 days now and still nothing... I guess i was wrong about that...or did i make her abort the first batch when i put her in a breeders net? I have waited so long...
When did you put her in the breeder net?
What about her belly? I mean, is she pregnant or not?
She is getting so big that she looks funny...i guess when she was like that, i had put her my fry tank to have her babies...back on the 8th...maybe she acted that way cause of that...I put her back in the big tankon the 14th. This is my first bach of fry...i have 11 white sail fin molly fry...but when i bought the parents, they died in the q tank and had 15 babies...
then i bought a pair of guppies, and then i found 2 fry in the big tank..got them in a breeder net. i guess their guppies...thats questionable.

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