guppy in labor?


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
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:whistle: I have been waiting to see my guppy have her fry...I have been reading all i can on when it is close. Plz help me get my facts right.
The first signs I seen was pushing or straining, and she would wiggle her body as if to get more comfortable in a tight pair of jeans. She would hide in a plant. She is still eating. This has been going on for 5 days. The gravid spot is the same, she is squared off. At times it seems as if the fry will face the guppys head. Can someone plz tell me the sign she will have hours (single digit) before the birth. I want to be watching her cause i am afraid she will chase them down and eat them...yesterday she was hiding all day long, and wiggling, it seems less today, she is swimming around as if nothing was wrong. Thank u for any out put u can give.
I always find that when i can see the eyes and they start to move around a little bit she is getting close.

Mine always find something to bang there bellies on. like trying to enduce or help their labour along. you will find that she will swim somewhere where she is alone usually around the top of the tank.

if you look carefully when she begins you can see the birthing fluid excape from her butt.

if you can see any of this then there is not long to go.

good luck
I have seen her roll on the rocks once or twice. Yesterday I also seen clear poop coming out her anal tube. What does close mean exacally? cause 10 min is close...1 day is not. She is the only fish in that tank. will the gravid spot still be blk at all times? I know that sometimes during the day theu will face the mothers head, Like when i first turn the light on of the mornings. For 2 days i thought poor momma fish she is hard labor, breathing hard, pushing...but today she act like she is ok. she started pushing and all this 5 days ago.....
alright, dont exactly know how long it will take. each fish being an individual and all.

but if you say that you can see the babies and they look developed well then any time......

the gravid spot will remain black until she gives birth.

Look to see if her fins are erect or sticking right out this is usually a good indication and also agitaion, if she looks agitated, irritated

she should start to do some rapid swimming maybe small outbursts with her fins out/up more than usual.

she may even start going to the toilet more than usual. as if clearing a path
could someone please show me a picture or at least describe to me what a guppies fins look like when they are erect, this would be of a great help as my guppy appears to have been in labour for about 5 days now!
Any infoemation of signs of dropping will be appreciated.

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