A platy is born...


Apr 19, 2004
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Leicester, England
Well one of my wagtail platys is giving birth as I type this, and as she has chosen to do it during the day I have been lucky enough to see it in action! So I thought I'd share :D

Here are 2 films of my platy giving birth, she tends to go back to the same plant for each birth, hover, then make a little jolt and you can see the fry dropping away from her (the mother then rushes back to the surface to finish off her flakes :p )

birth 1 (517k)

birth 2 (562k)

And here is one of the little guys resting on a leaf :)


Edit: Anyone getting a codec error when they try to watch the videos need to download this divx codec....
aww man, I couldn't get it to work...I heard the music...but said error in code... :no:
wow that was cool.i have never been able to see mine giving birth.shes not a relaxed as yours.congrats and thanks for the video.
Not really a grandparent, either, since he didn't give birth to the parents, either. A foster parent, I guess.

Yeah, I couldn't see the film, can't open .avi files. Too bad, but that picture's a beaut, really cute lookin' buggers. My Halberder has been courting his women, Lucifer and Peach, so hopefully I'll get some fry of my own soon.

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