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  1. F

    Another Leaking Tetratec Ex1200 :(

    Hi Ive had the same thing happen to me on 2 EX700's. Its not the motorhead that is at fault and i dont why the customer services always replace that bit first, as im sure there pretty expensive. The bit that is faulty is the hose adapator that fits into the motorhead, both times this has...
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    Another Leaking Ex700

    Oh dear dear dear, maybe im not going to have to eat my words after all. So I managed to get my hands on a new and free hose adapter for my EX-700, i fitted it on Sunday and hey presto no more leaks :good: I also got in touch with TT via their main German website, within a couple of days I...
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    Blue Led Lighting

    This is purely for effect only thanks
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    Blue Led Lighting

    Im keen to put some blue LED strip lighting into my tank. Can anyone recommend any that isnt too expensive and point me where i can purchase them from. My tank is 150l, just under 3ft in length and 21' deep. Im not sure what wattage to go for or how long the strip needs to be to give...
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    Another Leaking Ex700

    Well what can i say, i think im gonna have to eat my words :lol: I have managed to get my hands on a new hose adapater for the EX 700 this afternoon, i was convinced this couldnt be the cause of the water leaking fm the motorhead seal...........but guess what....... The new one was fitted a...
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    Another Leaking Ex700

    Thats really interesting, Tetra sent me a new motor head before but not a new hose adapter. So do you think that if the fault is my hose adapter it has gone on to damage the new motorhead or not ?? It would be great is the adapter does sort it out. So what would you go for next time ??? im...
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    Powder Blue V Queen Angel

    The tank is 150l and 3ft. I previously had a 4ft tank with slightly less water volume and had a Powder Blue in there for about 2 yrs, i moved house and lost all stock in transit ! That tank was more heavily stocked than the one i have now now and the tang never caused any of aggro to the other...
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    Powder Blue V Queen Angel

    Yeah your right on that one, it aint that big........and why didnt they tell me that at the LFS ?? :angry: To be fair the Powder Blue aint that big, it certainly isnt as big as the Queen
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    Another Leaking Ex700

    Oh doesnt this all sound soo familiar. I have almost the exact same post on here just over a year ago. I too contacted Tetra-tec (Germany) and they where great, i had a new motor head in a few days But guess what ........ im sat here just over 12 months later and ive got exactly the same...
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    Powder Blue V Queen Angel

    I bought a Powder Blue Tang and a Queen Angel fm my LFS back in March 2010 and introduced them into my tank at the same time. Eveything has been hunky dorey with the both for the last 6 months, however about 1 week ago the Powder Blue started to become aggresive, particually to the Queen Angel...
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    Help! Want A Copper Banded Butterfly?

    Hi, i havent looked in the classified yet, but have u still got copper band ?
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    Marine Tanks With Rounded Edges

    Not sure if your into ebay shopping but have a look at AquaEra Uk ..... sometimes they have tanks in black....bit pot luck tho :good:
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    Can Chromis Be Kept As Pairs

    Ive got a pair of Green Chromis in my tank. :rolleyes: One is quite abit bigger than the other and it does chase the smaller one abit, but thats where is stops with these 2. There is certainly no fin nipping or anything. Ive also got an electric blue damsel, this can be abit aggressive...
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    Carbon In My Filter ?

    I've got a tetratec EX700 running my 150l marine set up. One of the fish has white spot which i am treating using trimarin, the guy where I got the fish from reminded me to make sure I took the carbon media out of the filter otherwise it would just absorb the medicine. He then went onto say that...
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    Filter Leaking - Tetratec

    I had exactly the same problem a few months ago with my tt ex700. I did all the usual things around replacing the O-ring and greasing it up but nothing worked. Believe you me, i know what your going thru :shout: I went onto tt website and filled out the on line form and a couple of days later...
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    Scooter Blennies And Their Diet

    I had a scotter blennie and really struggled to keep it alive, I didnt have alot of LR in the tank, so perhaps thats why. However i then bought a snowflake Blenny, what a character. It eats frozen food as much as any of the other fish in my tank. Ive had him a good 12 months now and he is one of...
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    Tetratec 1200 Making Noises

    I had problems with my tetratec ex700 a few months ago, when i read the manual it said it came with a three year guarantee. Dont suppose you know when it was orginally sold ???? I went onto their website and logged a call and within 2 days they rang me, asked what the problem was and sent me a...
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    Join Lion Fish Club Post A Pic And Take A Number

    Oh thats a shame, i do like my trigger as he looks so good, but boy has he taken out a number of new inhabitants of the tank........ guess i wont be going down this route then :sick:
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    Join Lion Fish Club Post A Pic And Take A Number

    Ive been thinking of buying a fuzzy lion for a while. I think lion's are an amazing looking fish but always been concerned about how big they will grow and if they will eat any of my smaller ones. I have a 150l tank, smaller fish are electric blue damsel and a green chromis, i have a snowflake...
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    Fish Only!?

    oh my god, im so shocked......we are talking abou the same Birleys at Sandtoft nr Epworth ??? they did fish and garden stuff. They had a massive koi place as well as cold water, tropical and marine.............what they dont do anything like that at all ????
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    Regal Angel

    So how are they doing now ????
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    I Like This Fish *drool*

    imagine having the money to buy one, your lfs gets you one, you take it home so proud and pleased with yourself................................and then one of your other fish takes it out in seconds cos its sooooooooooo bright and beautiful.......... :shout: :crazy: oh the life of a fish...
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    Quick Question - Best Tank

    Nikkig, im sure you will got a lot of advice fm many of the experience folks on here. What i would definately suggest is that once you have an idea of what you want you go onto ebay without fail. There are many suppliers of new tanks on there, I bought a new tank approx 18 months ago. Its very...
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    Fish Only!?

    Hi Madness, I just been reading your thread. I think i have sussed out where you may live, large town with big steel works in a county previously known as Humberside....i see the town name was *'d out so not sure if your meant to name places... im pretty new to this forum stuff. I used to live...
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    Fish Keeping Disaster #2

    Oh dear, sounds like a bad week.....if it helps ive had one too. My hard drive on my pc packed up last week......had i backed up all my data......nope !!!! just getting over that and then my auriga butterfly got ill, refused to eat and 72 hrs later it was dead.....Damm fishkeeping ! but hey...
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    Auriga Buttlerfly

    Water ok....butterfly..........Dead ! im well unhappy :shout: :crazy:
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    Yellow Tang With Lymphocystis

    Wot does the LYMPHOCYSTIS look like, is it a white almost fluffy looking ball ?? if so i had exactly the same thing on a YT when i added mine to the tank. Within a week or so it simply fell off.
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    Auriga Buttlerfly

    I've had a auriga butterfly in my tank now bet 2-3 months. When i first put him in my yellow tang gave him abit of a hard time but within a couple of days seemed to accept him. Its fair to say the auriga has been pretty passive. Since introducing it i have had a couple of outbreaks of white...
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    Whats The O Ring?

    I have had some problems with my filter recently and the advice was to put vasaline on it, I did but it didnt work for that long. I was talking to a friend of mine a few weeks later who is a plumber and it came up in conversation and he said that fm a "plumbing" point of view he would never...
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    Looking For A Cheap External Filter

    Have a look at this link....its can get a tetratec ex1200 for £96 with free delivery. Sometimes they even give discount if its your first order. They seem to be a cheap place, ive had a few problems with their after sales service but having dug my heels in they delivered...
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    Question About External Filter

    I will bow to your greater knowledge Rabbut :good: , thinking about it when you close the taps that should stop the flow to a greater extent anyway :rolleyes:
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    Tetra Ex700 Filter Is Leaking

    Hi Mel, only just seen this update. Where have you read about that then ???? So are you saying that its the quick release bit that could be faulty and not the head at all ? great, Tetra are sending me just the motorhead i think ? Would be really greatful if you could send me the link so if i...
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    Question About External Filter

    Hi Mel, perhaps the end is nigh ! I would imagine looking at the bit that your going to change you will need to break the syphon flow. The green tap that you turn will just stop the flow of water coming out of the bit the hoses are attached to. You will definately need to have a bucket to hand...
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    Tetra Ex700 Filter Is Leaking

    Oh Mel, you arent having a good time are you :crazy: No i havent rung them yet, thought you were ????? Ive greased up the O-ring big style and so far it seems to have done the trick. Question is do i leave it at that ??? im not ever so happy to do so to be fair. Im not getting leaks fm...
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    Tetra Ex700 Filter Is Leaking

    Hey let me know how u get on with them.......and which number u ring......I used to hve an undergravel filter.....wish i had kept with that !
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    Tetra Ex700 Filter Is Leaking

    Hi, thanks for the advice so far. I've seen a couple of different phone numbers for tetra, can anyone tell me which is the best one ??? Mermaidmel - Ive read your thread, sounds a nightmare.... i dont have any issue with circulation or leaks fm anywhere else. Its reassuring to know im not...
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    Tetra Ex700 Filter Is Leaking

    I am the proud owner of a tetra ex700 which keeps my marine set up going. Its been in situ for approx 11 months and has been fine. Approx 2 weeks ago it started to leak fm the seal bet the cannister and the motor head. I have done the usual stuff, replaced the O ring, cleaned the housing the O...