Another Leaking Tetratec Ex1200 :(


Fish Fanatic
Mar 9, 2008
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Hi people!

Just thought i'd share the nightmare i have been having over the past week or so with my Tetratec EX1200!!!

It all started last Tuesday when i decided to give my filter a clean, after putting it all back together i noticed a leak had developed from what looked like the clips on the side of the motor head, which i thought was a bit odd! So i took the filter head back off and checked all of the seals which looked absolutely fine. Once put back together and turned on it was still leaking!!!

After a bit of research online i found out that quite a few people had had the same problem, and that there had been a problem with faulty ball valves in the motor head. So i gave Tetratec a call on Tuesday evening (based in Germany) and explained the problem, they sent me out a new motor head and it arrived on Friday which i have to say was excellent customer service!

So here is me thinking that my problem would be solved..............well i was WRONG!!!
Tonight whilst sat eating my tea i could hear a dripping sound, so checked my filter and it was bloody leaking AGAIN, less than a week later!!!It's a good job i had decided to place the filter on a large folded up towel, which by the time i had realised it was leaking was absolutely soaked, and there was a puddle of water on my floor, as you can imagine i was not best pleased!!! :(

So another phone call to Tetratec and now they are sending me a new tap unit/hose adaptor (i honestly don't know what the difference is between the new one and the one i already have?!), again good customer service, but i really wouldn't expect that an external filter of around 2 years old would cause me so much hassle!!!

I really hope this solves the problem as i don't know how much more i can take :(

Has anyone else had any problems with Tetratec external filters???

I really don't know if i have faith in my EX1200 anymore, even when i recieve the new hose adaptor i know i'll be checking it all the time to make sure it's not leaking!!!

Ive had the same thing happen to me on 2 EX700's. Its not the motorhead that is at fault and i dont why the customer services always replace that bit first, as im sure there pretty expensive.

The bit that is faulty is the hose adapator that fits into the motorhead, both times this has happened to me thats how its eventually been fixed. I've never managed to work out why the water drips from in bet the clips tho.

This does seem to be a common fault with the EX seris, like i say this has happened to me twice now and 12 months apart, so if/when in the market for a new external i think i may just give these ones a wide birth.

Hope that helps
it's normally the tap assembly thats the problem the new ones are modified and have a double seal, if you have a new motor head and new tap assembly i'm you should be sorted after all there nothing more that can go wrong everything that can cause a problem is in the top half of the filter :nod:
i have mine stood in a big plastic tub now since it ruined the bottom of the cabinet, it generally leaks for a week after cleaning then works fine so i'm ok with the tub solution for now
Ah right i see, hopefully when the hose unit arrives this will sort the problem out!!
I've noticed that it's a bit hit or miss, as in since i emptied the bucket it is currently sitting in at the weekend it has stopped leaking which i find strange!

Just don't know if i can put my faith in it not leaking again, only time will tell, fingers crossed!

Cheers for the responses ;)
Well i spoke too bloody soon people, got in from work today and my dining room was flooded with approx 1/3 of my tank water, and coincidentley just as i had discovered what had happened my next door neighbour knocked on the door with my new hose adaptor, just to rub it in!!!!!!!!

I really am fuming, what would people say i should do? As in now my laminate flooring is damaged, and my tank stand is damaged from all of the water, should i give Tetratec a call and seek compensation of some sort? I do have house insurance however don't really want to be claiming on that, stuck in a right predicament here!!! :-(
Well i spoke too bloody soon people, got in from work today and my dining room was flooded with approx 1/3 of my tank water, and coincidentley just as i had discovered what had happened my next door neighbour knocked on the door with my new hose adaptor, just to rub it in!!!!!!!!

I really am fuming, what would people say i should do? As in now my laminate flooring is damaged, and my tank stand is damaged from all of the water, should i give Tetratec a call and seek compensation of some sort? I do have house insurance however don't really want to be claiming on that, stuck in s right predicament here!!! :-(

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