Fish Keeping Disaster #2


Fish Crazy
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, UK

I'm kind of using the board to vent, and gain sympathy support right now.

It's 10pm Friday night and I'm currently tearing up laminate flooring in my rented appartment after I left the RO machine on for a few hours too long!

This is a week after the exploding tank disaster, and the several other major issues I've had.

I'm thinking maybe I'd be better off without fish! Then I look over and see the maroon clown umping back and too begging for food and think "hmm, maybe I can just chalk it up to experience."


Oh dear, sounds like a bad week.....if it helps ive had one too. My hard drive on my pc packed up last week......had i backed up all my data......nope !!!! just getting over that and then my auriga butterfly got ill, refused to eat and 72 hrs later it was dead.....Damm fishkeeping ! but hey chalk it up to experience. :good:
Oh dear, sounds like a bad week.....if it helps ive had one too. My hard drive on my pc packed up last week......had i backed up all my data......nope !!!! just getting over that and then my auriga butterfly got ill, refused to eat and 72 hrs later it was dead.....Damm fishkeeping ! but hey chalk it up to experience. :good:


Sorry to hear about your hard drive and butterfly fish loses! Somebody once said "life is spelt H-A-S-S-L-E"

I've been thinking of a device I could make that would sound an alarm when the water in the RO container reaches a certain level. It would need two metal electrodes that would complete a circuit when the water level made contact with them, which then turns on a low voltage buzzer. Would not have helped me today though, as I left the flat for a few hours only to come back to find walking on the floor sounded like rolling around on an airbed.

My imac has packed in too! I'm going to have to get that repaired.



PS. Fortunately, I have a fishkeeping friend who is also a carpenter. I'm going to source some new flooring (hopefully I'll get an exact match) and I can pay him to refit it! woot! I'm going to take the pain, chalk it up to experience, and carry on on my goal to have a cool marine fish tank.
Sorry to hear about the problems guys!

Just to add, you can have a pc geek save any data from a corrupted hard drive these days. Been there done that countless times, I lost about 2TB of un-replaceable video footage once, and got it all back...
Sorry to hear about the problems guys!

Just to add, you can have a pc geek save any data from a corrupted hard drive these days. Been there done that countless times, I lost about 2TB of un-replaceable video footage once, and got it all back...

Hmmm, I need a way for the RO unit to shut itself off. I have an auto shut off device, but it won't fit in the RO container.

What's the answer?

Geez guys you are having a hard time - maybe you will invent a device that will earn you a fortune - I could certainly do with an auto shut off on my unt - not of course that I have ever gone out and left it running to come home to a swimming pool in the ktchen :whistle:

Seffie x

Garden hose timers work great for RO units folks :)

Igarvey, sorry bout your troubles, at least there's nowhere to go but up right? :)
Garden hose timers work great for RO units folks :)

Igarvey, sorry bout your troubles, at least there's nowhere to go but up right? :)

Hope so. =( It's so hard right now. Due to the exploding tank, the bio filter is also wasted and the ammonia is registering 3ppm which is SUPER high. And there's a very low nitrite level, which is more evidence the bio filter is toast. So I'm having to prepare water on a daily basis and use ammo lock. Then I went and flooded the place. So much hassle !:(

Hopefully I'll be going up and succeing soon in owning a fully cycled, healthy fish tank. Otherwis I am going to throw in the towel and vow to pick up fish keeping when I hit retirement.

Garden hose timers - right, so there is something interesting at the LGC not just lawnmowers and flowers then :unsure: I hate those places, but if needs must................... ah i know, will send Mr Seffie :rolleyes:

Seffie x

Wait, you guys have seperate lawn/garden stores? Can't find a hose timer at a hardware store?
Fish are dead!

I woke up this morning to find all fish dead and laying on the substrate. So sad!

I was fighting an uphill battle. THe bio filter was knackered and I had to use ammo lock and do constant water changes, and it looked like one of the fish was developing white spot.

There was a massive algae break out and I suspect it made the water anoxic. Not sure if ammonium chloride (ammo lock converts ammonia to ammonium chloride) also decreases the oxygen levels in water teh same way ammonia does, but ... if it does then it would also have contributed to the fish deaths.

I haven't started checking salinity, am, ni, na, temp etc. in fact, I haven't yet got the dead fish out of the tank!

I give up! No more fish keeping for awhile. I'm going to sell all my equipment and revisit the hobby much later on. Probably when I'm retired and have a lot of time to spend on a hobby.

Oh no - don't give up, just learn from your mistakes and you will go on to have a lovely tank with happy inhabitants

Seffie x


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