Whats The O Ring?


Dec 28, 2008
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Devon, England
on fluval externals and maybe some others whats the o ring?

i have heard your supposed to lubricate them
it is like the big black thing that straches around the gap between the top section with imnpeller and the bottom ith media??
Yes :good:.

If you have your manual, it will tell you in there. It may refer to it as the 'gasket' though.
There will be on O-ring anywhere where there are two parts that are supposed to come separate from each other routinely. On a Fluval 405, this means around the motor head, where it meets the filter body, and there are two on the Aquastop :good:
I have had some problems with my filter recently and the advice was to put vasaline on it, I did but it didnt work for that long. I was talking to a friend of mine a few weeks later who is a plumber and it came up in conversation and he said that fm a "plumbing" point of view he would never recommend putting any form of grease on a rubber seal as it could make the seal slip and not form a secure seal........it seems to be an interesting topic..........and bearing in mind he works on gas applicances he needs to make sure what he does certainly doesnt leak !!!
I have had some problems with my filter recently and the advice was to put vasaline on it, I did but it didnt work for that long. I was talking to a friend of mine a few weeks later who is a plumber and it came up in conversation and he said that fm a "plumbing" point of view he would never recommend putting any form of grease on a rubber seal as it could make the seal slip and not form a secure seal........it seems to be an interesting topic..........and bearing in mind he works on gas applicances he needs to make sure what he does certainly doesnt leak !!!
the rubber dries out id not lubed.
You have a two issue problem here.

With out grease, the seal hardens up as Truckasorus says, leading to a catastrophic failure later when the seal snaps, and the tank drains it whole contents very quickly. The grease can make the seal slip in high-fiction or tight joints, but you don't really have those in filters. Also, a leak due to the seal moving will be slow an immediately obvious after cleaning, so you can fix it before the floor gets too wet :good: A seal about to fail due to not being greased will go without prior warning...

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