Another Leaking Ex700


Fish Crazy
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
Shropshire, GB

I bought a Tetratec EX700 from zooplus in August 2008, and now, after good service and maintenance (greased on every filter clean), it's decided to start leaking from under the clips that lock the pump head to the filter body. I've replaced the main pump seal, but the leak persists. When priming the head, I sometimes get a spurt of water from the priming button, and a fair amount (200ml-ish) water drains from the clip areas when the head is removed (hoses closed).

From reading up, It seems that there was a problem with the hose connector section, which caused water to leak into the pump body, and then drip from under the clips.

Have I go this right? If someone could clarify the situation, I'd appreciate it.
Hi, I bought one from zooplus about a year ago, it leaked a little round the main seal, I learned since that there was a bad batch went out, I was advised by a forum user to put vaseline round the seal, no problems since.
I recently bought a second one from warehouse aquatics to double up filtration, fingers crossed :unsure:

I bought a Tetratec EX700 from zooplus in August 2008, and now, after good service and maintenance (greased on every filter clean), it's decided to start leaking from under the clips that lock the pump head to the filter body. I've replaced the main pump seal, but the leak persists. When priming the head, I sometimes get a spurt of water from the priming button, and a fair amount (200ml-ish) water drains from the clip areas when the head is removed (hoses closed).

From reading up, It seems that there was a problem with the hose connector section, which caused water to leak into the pump body, and then drip from under the clips.

Have I go this right? If someone could clarify the situation, I'd appreciate it.

Snap on virtualy all counts. I contacted Tetratec and the sent me out a new hose connector. sorted the problem out........for about 5 weeks. However the amount of problems I had with the filter, how troublesome it is to take apart, clean and put back together plus the amount of problems I read others having with them I just replaced it with an Eheim 2224 for £80.

Now I know what a silent filter is :)

Thanks for the confirmation, much appreciated. The seals have been grease with Vaseline since I bought, as being an ex factory engineer, old habits are hard to break

I contacted Tetra this morning (02380606070), and a new hose connector is on the way. The guy on the phone referred to my problem as "the ex filter hose connector disease" which gave me a wry smile.

I hope the problem is now cured, and doesn't come back. The filter sits nicely in my 620's cabinet, and is quiet enough.

I agree that the eheims are quieter, I used to have a 2128 which was superb, with my old tank, which is now gone. My old tank :sad:
I swear I'm not flaming or disagreeing with anyone!!!!
Just read the review.... as Bob said "you can please some poeple sometimes....."

Very impressed with the customer service from Tetratec. As mentioned above, spoke to them on the morning of the 7th, and the new hose adaptor arrived at 8pm today, via DHL.

Very impressed, hope the repair matches the service :whistle:

I bought a Tetratec EX700 from zooplus in August 2008, and now, after good service and maintenance (greased on every filter clean), it's decided to start leaking from under the clips that lock the pump head to the filter body. I've replaced the main pump seal, but the leak persists. When priming the head, I sometimes get a spurt of water from the priming button, and a fair amount (200ml-ish) water drains from the clip areas when the head is removed (hoses closed).

From reading up, It seems that there was a problem with the hose connector section, which caused water to leak into the pump body, and then drip from under the clips.

Have I go this right? If someone could clarify the situation, I'd appreciate it.

Snap on virtualy all counts. I contacted Tetratec and the sent me out a new hose connector. sorted the problem out........for about 5 weeks. However the amount of problems I had with the filter, how troublesome it is to take apart, clean and put back together plus the amount of problems I read others having with them I just replaced it with an Eheim 2224 for £80.

Now I know what a silent filter is :)

My Eheim 2222 is so silent that I have to put my hand on it to try and feel vibrations to figure out if its actually on. Its amazing. I do lube all the seals each clean though, to helpfully lengthen their lifetime and I'll soon be getting in a stock of replacement parts (for "just in case" storage) since I don't have another unit I could swap in. WD
That review. lol

I bought this based on my experience with the larger model, and was disappointed as soon as I opened the package. The instructions were less then helpful, the devise hard to install, and at the end when I thought it would all be worth it, a major piece failed (the plastic leg part was Broken and I had to send it back ),I had to go back to my old filter. Overall, I would say, save a bit longer, buy the more expensive model and save yourself the aggravation and ultimate disappointment.

Yep the instructions are a little disorganised and you have to follow 'pictures' and match with your countries descriptions but not hard to follow. lol

No idea how it was hard to install. Maybe is the user's first external filter. I had mine working in less than half an hour. (including rinsing the new media and removing the old filter / hoses etc.)

Don't know how the leg failewd. lol Probs trying to rush and not reading the instructions properly and/or damaged in transit. If they sent it back then I assume it was actually damaged when it arrived i.e. in transit and therefore not a problem with the filter more the packaging/courier. lol

Much easier to put together and get running than the Tetratec which isn't much harder. They are both easy to put together. The TT problems are once it is running an normally after it has been in use for a while (months-years) not assembling it.

Oh doesnt this all sound soo familiar.

I have almost the exact same post on here just over a year ago. I too contacted Tetra-tec (Germany) and they where great, i had a new motor head in a few days

But guess what ........ im sat here just over 12 months later and ive got exactly the same problem. My filter is sat in a bucket as we speak.

Ive been back onto them and they have told me they will send me a new hose adapator, im not quite sure how that bit being faulty is making water leak from under the clip down handles, but i guess i will have to wait and see.

All of my seals are greased up but it isnt making the slightist bit of difference by the sound of it, im beginning to think there must be a design fault somewhere.

I think its time to look for a new make ....... but if anyone does have more suggestions then pse do tell.
the hose connector will sort the problem. That is where the design fault was originally.

Problem for me was that while it had been having those problems the impellor started damaging the interior etc.

So problem solved.

However Just for the ease of use, reilability (so far. lol. fingers crossed) silence and better performance I know what I would do for my next filter if I were to get another tank.

As for the 'instructions' comment earlier on, they should try and follow the instructions for my Boyu mini external. That took me 3 hours of trial and error to get going without noise. lol

the hose connector will sort the problem. That is where the design fault was originally.

Problem for me was that while it had been having those problems the impellor started damaging the interior etc.

So problem solved.

However Just for the ease of use, reilability (so far. lol. fingers crossed) silence and better performance I know what I would do for my next filter if I were to get another tank.

As for the 'instructions' comment earlier on, they should try and follow the instructions for my Boyu mini external. That took me 3 hours of trial and error to get going without noise. lol


Thats really interesting, Tetra sent me a new motor head before but not a new hose adapter. So do you think that if the fault is my hose adapter it has gone on to damage the new motorhead or not ?? It would be great is the adapter does sort it out.

So what would you go for next time ???

im seriously thinking of replacing mine now, i cant do with this stress every 12 month
Having had an eheim 2128 and the tetratec ex700, next time I'd be going back to eheim. I like the tetratec (also got it for a very good price), but feel I have to treat it with kid gloves now. The eheim was bulletproof.
Well what can i say, i think im gonna have to eat my words :lol:

I have managed to get my hands on a new hose adapater for the EX 700 this afternoon, i was convinced this couldnt be the cause of the water leaking fm the motorhead seal...........but guess what.......

The new one was fitted a good few hours ago and since then there hasnt been a single drop, not even a trickle of water from the motorhead .........I think its fixed :good:

SuperColey your a top guy, thanks for your advice its not only done the trick but its even restored my faith ever so slightly in Tetratec....well maybe just a little bit :lol:
I have managed to get my hands on a new hose adapater for the EX 700 this afternoon,

Hope you didn't pay for it.

Contact Tetratec on these problems. If they want to be 'up there' with Eheim as they designed the Tetratec series to be then they have to keep good with the people who spent money on their product.

When I contacted them they sent me new O rings (the large and small) and the hose connector. It is known that the original hose connector was the problem and I think they slightly modified it. It was letting water into the powerhead and that was what leaked out the 'handles' Therefore everybody was looking for a problem in that area when the problem was elsewhere :)

Bookmark this thread so (fingers crossed you don't) you can add any further problems. lol

I think my problem after the hose connector was replaced was that I let it go on for so long. I don't think it was the actual design that was causing the fault but with there being a leak air gets in and then the impellor gradually wore an invisible to the eye something or other in the impellor area. either way it rattles, it clicks. That is with a new impellor that I bought myself.

Was replaced as per the beginning of this thread with an Eheim 2224. Same rated flow rate. £80 delivered.

I still have the TT and will probs use it elsewhere if I ever set up a tank further than 50 yeards from the house. lol

I know they get a lot of stick but I still think they are good filters for the money, my first one was running really slow then almost to a trickle, I removed the bags of coral gravel for buffering pH but still choked, I cleaned the impeller then ran a wire with a cloth attached one end through the hoses, lucky if the total time spent was half an hour and no probs reconnecteing everything, runs like new, I thought it was dead, very easy to maintain :good:

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