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  1. J

    Will this aquarium stand design work?

    all you need for a stand is x amount of milk crates and a crappy old blanket may not glamourous, but it will get the job done...and for free grocery stores will give them to you if you ask.. just an idea
  2. J


    well, I had 1 male and 1 female...but the female chased the male around until it died a few days ago
  3. J


    As far as I should have 2 MALES to one FEMALE is this correct?
  4. J

    is this a good lfs policy

    off topic... here is something that pisses me off... In Ontario, you're not allowed to buy booze until you're 19 I just think it's dumb because you're allowed to go to war when you're 16, you're allowed to drive when you're 16 you're allowed to have a credit card and star in porn when you're...
  5. J

    Want to get tank...

    ok, not right now...but in a few months or years I want to get a saltwater tank I would like to know what kind of things are necessary to set up the tank ( much salt to add...hardware...etc) and what kind of fish would be good beginner fish...
  6. J

    Clown Knife

    awesome...thanks guys I look forward to getting one in the future when I get a REAL job
  7. J

    Pirahana - Tank Set Up

    What does that mean!?!?
  8. J


    I've got worms...
  9. J

    iridecent shark

    uhh, yeah they get huge when I was new to the hobby about 3 years ago I bought one and put it in a 33 gal tank I had to take it back to the store not too long ago because it was close to a foot long and getting too big for the tank I would have got a bigger (like 300 gallon) tank but I simply...
  10. J

    Thinkin of new fish

    do you realise how big Irridescent sharks get? they can reach 3 feet long
  11. J

    Clown Knife

    ok, I want to get a clown knife eventually I was thinking of like 250g tank, would it be better to get 1 or 3 fish? what should I put with the clown knife?? I was thinking maybe a large pleco or something...and perhaps a few larger ciclids do you think this would be appropriate??
  12. J

    fin rot advice please

    sorry, I meant divided by 231
  13. J

    fin rot advice please

    LxWxH (in inches) of your tank x 231 = Gallons Gallons x 3.8 = Litres you can now find out the volume of your tank
  14. J

    planting plants

    normally only ciclids and goldfish eat plants i don't think gouramis do
  15. J

    Do live plants cut down algae levels?

    Do live plants cut down algae levels?
  16. J

    ID shark

    alright...I was pretty sure he/she was heathly..but I just wasn't sure thanks i'll let him know
  17. J

    ID shark

    my friend has an ID shark in a 200g tank with some fairly large catfish and an oscar.... he doesn't have a computer so I have to ask about this... he finds that the shark is quite lazy and just lays on the bottom often he has only had it for a year or so and it is about 15-20 cm long... lots of...
  18. J

    Plants for my 33 gallon community

    it's a 20W Fluorescent bulb in a 33 gallon tank
  19. J

    Plants for my 33 gallon community

    I was wondering what the best plants to put in my 33 gallon community tank? ...and I was wondering how to tell if I have "rich" or "plain" gravel
  20. J

    Live Plants

    ...and how do you know if your gravel has laterite and/or flourite????
  21. J

    What new fish?

    if anything, you should get A) a bigger tank and B) 2 or more clown loaches to accomodate the lonely one they like to be kept in groups
  22. J

    Live Plants

    also...does anyone know the difference between "rich" and "plain" gravel
  23. J

    Live Plants

    ok...with the fish I have what kind of live plants would be recommended... I just have fake plants right now... ...and I know that live plants are actually healthier in the tank if there are any links on live plants I wouldn't mind seeing some of those too
  24. J

    water changes...

    ok, awesome the stuff is actually called "aqua-plus" I just couldn't remember the name I just averaged it out and put 4 capfuls ...I haven't had a fish die in months Thanks for the advice though I was just curious
  25. J

    water changes... the bottle says add 2 capfuls/10 gallons now does that mean how many gallons you are adding to the tank during a water change...(in my case; 33 gallon tank...30% water chage = approx. 10 gallon new water = 2 capfuls) or does this mean add about 6 capfuls? I should know this... but I don't
  26. J

    Clown Pleco

    alright...thanks.. :cool:
  27. J

    Clown Pleco

    I just picked up a clown pleco a few days ago he/she is totally sweet he/she is really cool looking, but is still a little shy
  28. J

    Need Help Identifying My Pleco

    as far as I know that is a common pleco
  29. J

    Beunos Aires Tetra

    I would take a picture...but I don't have any digital crazy camera stuff or anything like that but yeah, they come and go I put the rainbowfish in about 2 months ago...but it was happening on and off before that
  30. J

    Beunos Aires Tetra

    hey there my beunos Aires tetra doesn't eat as much as it used to... it also gets small red spots occasionally and his fins are kinda ripped he swims around fine and never looks worse than he did the day before is this finrot? it hasn't affected the other fish at all...and they've all been in...
  31. J

    Changing My Tanks

    add 2 more clown loaches to the 55 gallon they don't like to be left alone :sad:
  32. J

    Which fish are the smartest?

    No fish are smarter than any other they are only acting out of instinct.
  33. J

    How do you take care of your algae problems?

    one word: Plecotomus
  34. J

    humane ways to kill sick fish

    What a waste.... :no: you could be drinking that :nod:
  35. J

    Freshwater stingray

    yeah, teacup ray
  36. J

    Freshwater stingray

    I was wondering what size of needed to keep a few Freshwater stingray I'm just curious I might consider this in the future
  37. J

    humane ways to kill sick fish

    One word...Firecrackers :cool: just kidding
  38. J


    I heard if you use 1/2 of the suggested serving of ich guard or whatever brand of ich treatment with Catfish, Plecos etc....this will not harm them I do realise that full doses makes them very sick can 1/2 dose be used?
  39. J

    ID sharks

    my friend has an ID shark in his 125 gallon it's seems like a really healthy fish, it eats normally, swims around fine...etc but sometimes the fish likes to get lazy and just lay on the bottom of the tank on his/her belly is this normal?
  40. J

    Hmmmmm.....What size tank to buy

    Leafs sucks.... Bruins all the way to the cup!!!!! :D