iridecent shark


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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i have 2 little baby ones, like 1 inch big, one of them has a pointed stomach and it didnt have that before, does this mean that it has eggs or does it mean what gender it is??

those are like cat fish right?
i think the aldults get pretty big.
i doubt your one is carrying eggs yet, its probably far too young. (being only 1 inch long and all) I bet its just fat from eating loads of food. :lol:
Yes, ID sharks do get huge.

I doubt they are pregnant. They can get big bellies from being well fed, but pointy?
uhh, yeah they get huge

when I was new to the hobby about 3 years ago I bought one and put it in a 33 gal tank

I had to take it back to the store not too long ago because it was close to a foot long and getting too big for the tank

I would have got a bigger (like 300 gallon) tank
but I simply can't afford it
I go to college in ontario
hahahaha (by the way that is supposed to be a joke about tuition prices in this province)
It's too young. The same thing ahppened to mine, but it lost the stomach but stayed healthy. :nod:

Unfortunately, I must warn you to not get too attached to your sharks. :/
-_- Hello there. Did you notice their pointy stomachs after feeding? I can tell you that from my observations that whenever mines eat their stomach become fairly pointed looking (almost like they are carrying eggs...but I highly doubt it.) Coult it be their natural shape....their whole body shape kind of looks like an upsidedown funky non-pointed triangle (not counting the tail)...especially when their past the juvenile stage. Tee Hee :D

I have seen those little 1 ichers being sold at the LFS...they're so cute. It's pretty incredible how something that starts off so tiny can become something so BIG. :blink:
i know, but its like human babys. im going 2 keep them till they die though, im just going 2 keep getting bigger tanks for them when im older and can afford huge tanks.
They aren't going to grow at a constant rate. It'll be an "s curve" I'd wager.

You'd end up buying a couple hundred gallon tank. Good luck with that. :/

By the way, there's a pic of one in a pinned article in catfish cradle. you should go check it out. :dunno:
i saw the pics, but i dont know which 1 it is,lol
Um, wrs, you keep mentioning you are going to get a bigger tank when you're older and can afford it. That's very good and all, but these fish might be adults before you are.
I don't know you're age, so I could be wrong on that, but fish grow quicker than humans.
Look at it this way. Human babies grow the most during the first few months and years. Fish grow the same way and need adequate accomodations that'll suit their expected size.

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