Clown Knife


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada
ok, I want to get a clown knife eventually

I was thinking of like 250g tank, would it be better to get 1 or 3 fish?

what should I put with the clown knife??
I was thinking maybe a large pleco or something...and perhaps a few larger ciclids

do you think this would be appropriate??
Right Clown knife fish, excellent choice my man, i love these things and i personally own a pair which are just shy of a foot long! well ive found that these two who have been kept toether as wee little fishys have paired off (not to breed but to safe gaurd territory) and are willing to fight anything that invades their spot that looks vagely like them. I've tried adding another when they were younger and these two hounded it to near death, after nursing it back to health i sold it on. I do believe you have space for a pair and it may be worth noting that these guys according to my sources (the big book of oddballs and Jurassic Fish) they from a patriachal society, or a group of femails to one male.
As for feeding these monsters blood worm is a favourite when they are small, as mine were kept with larger chichlids when they were young (some Badis Badis and a young midas) they soon learnt that chichlid pellets were good food. Also washed worms chopped or whole soon get them feeding, but now that they are larger ive made an arrangement for some small goldfish and guppies as live foods are a treat ( I know there are some guys out there who will contest this but i do feel its best to provide them with a bit of game. Also it exhibits the amazing stalking skills these guys have).
Decoration is the key, i higlhy recomend stacks of mopani wood, anubias, java fern and water hyacinth. This makes marvellous cover for them and adds a dappled lighting effect which complements the markings of the fish and not only that the plants are tough and can withstand them barging through now and then. Well thats my views and i can only say good luck my friend and i hope this helps you mith keeping these fish.

oh by the way i tend to find that they ignore plecos and clown loac so long as they are bigger the knife's head. :clap:
One of my fav fish bloody brill i have only one but its getting a right nice fish used to feed it blood worm but now it likes catfish pellets go get one!!!!! :p

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