planting plants


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
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im a sorta newbie to plants. and ive got 2 questioins

1. Do you take the plant out and dig it into the gravel or do u just leave it in the pot?

2. do plants need anything else besides a light for it to grow properly and live?
1. You can do either depending on the look you are after. However if you take it out of the pot be very careful when you unwrap it as you could tear the tiny root system off the plant.

2. Plants need nutrient to live as well as light. Most of these are in your tap water but there are liquid fertilizers that may be added if the plants show signs of nutrient difficiency. HTH :)
thanx........and one more question

will the fish be okay with them in the tank or will some eat the plant?
Unless you have special requirements, it is better to carefully take plants out of the pots they come in. Depending on the plant type, you may well be suprised upon doing so, that there are several plants in there and you can plant them seperately. If you have fish that dig around in the substrate, then it can be a good idea to leave them potted.

Some fish will clear a tank of plants in a week, others totally ignore them, so it is a bit difficult to answer your last question. It also depends to a certain extent on the type of plant, some plants are seen as better vegetables then others.

What kind of fish, what kind of plants?
well i duno wat plants but i got some gouramis and livebearers and some bristlenose and algae eaters.

this morning i woke up to see that one of my plants was floating at the top and i usually see my honey gouramis around there. so do u think it could be them?
I've heard that some gourami species use plant materials to build their nests. How fine are your plant's leaves? Maybe you can post a picture of it so we can help ID it for you.
well its too late now. my honeys ripped the plants and the roots to i dont think im gonna keep them in my new planted tank.

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