Plants for my 33 gallon community


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada
I was wondering what the best plants to put in my 33 gallon community tank?

...and I was wondering how to tell if I have "rich" or "plain" gravel
Before it is possible to suggest plant species it would be necessary to know more about your setup, in particular, your lighting.

2 Watts of full spectrum, (5500K - 6500K), fluorescent light per gallon turned on for 10-12 hours a day will give you "Medium" light.

So aim for that, then browse the plant list at Tropica for plants that match your water conditions, require Medium light and are flagged as easy or very easy, that way you won't need to worry about CO2 or fertilisers.
That is less than one watt per gallon so only look at plants that require low light. I have one tank with the same config and crypts and anubias grow fine but not quickly. substrate in that tank is gravel only. Java fern will grow anywhere. HTH :)

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