water changes...


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada
Ok...so the bottle says add 2 capfuls/10 gallons
now does that mean how many gallons you are adding to the tank during a water change...(in my case; 33 gallon tank...30% water chage = approx. 10 gallon new water = 2 capfuls)
or does this mean add about 6 capfuls?
I should know this...
but I don't
personally, i didn't find aqua safe to be the best product. but, when i did based on the amount of replacement water, i lost fish. so i switched to doing it based on tank gallons, and haven't had too much of a problem since. but when i'm out of the stuff, i won't be buying it again................... just my personal experience with it.
ok, awesome
the stuff is actually called "aqua-plus"

I just couldn't remember the name

I just averaged it out and put 4 capfuls

...I haven't had a fish die in months

Thanks for the advice though

I was just curious
In my testing the AquaSafe directions work out to exactly 5 drops per gallon. I tested and it took me (others may be different) exactly 50 drops to fill a teaspoon measuring thingy. Since a teaspoon is for 10 gallons I divided 50 by 10 - presto.

So I treat the water I am going to put into the tank with 5 drops per gallon. This is how I read the directions. I make up enough water the night before and if I have 1/2 gallon left - no problem it is used for top offs.

I have no bones with AquaSafe seems to do the job for me.
Dear me you guys from the other side of the pond make me chuckle... :D

Capfuls, teaspoons... Over here with a proper measuring system we don't have any such worries - 5 ml for every 10 litres, so much clearer and more accurate. No counting drops either.

Hee hee,
ddm18 said:
Dear me you guys from the other side of the pond make me chuckle... :D

Capfuls, teaspoons... Over here with a proper measuring system we don't have any such worries - 5 ml for every 10 litres, so much clearer and more accurate. No counting drops either.

Hee hee,
:lol: I know

I know exactly how many ml I need to add when I water change... no capfuls or spoons for me :p
ddm18 said:
Dear me you guys from the other side of the pond make me chuckle... :D

Capfuls, teaspoons... Over here with a proper measuring system we don't have any such worries - 5 ml for every 10 litres, so much clearer and more accurate. No counting drops either.

Hee hee,
It isn't everyone on this side of the pond that uses that silly old measurment system. Canada uses metric too, but most our stuff comes with both forms of measure so that it isn't too hard on the people who hold on to the imperial measurments (like my parents generation).
Unfortunately, our measuring system sucks. I'd much rather use the metric system, but we Americans don't like change (darned republicans) :lol:.

What do you guys think of the dechlorinator made by Tetra something or other (can't think right now...). It comes in a yellow bottle and may be the dechlorinator that's already in question.
OK - sorry Canada! :*)

tempestuousfury - It's AquaSafe (in Britain, perhaps it has a different name elsewhere?), and yeah, I think it is what they're talking about here. I use it and have never had a problem!

Be aware that the AquaSafe sold in North America and the AquaSafe sold in Europe are not the same product. They are chemically different, and it's possible they may measure differently. Someone recently posted to this forum a snippet from Tetra's website expaining this, as it had caused considerable confusion in an ongoing conversation between people on each side of "the pond".

You measure dechlorinator according to the amount of water you need to dechlorinate (i.e. the new water), not the total water in the tank (most of which is, hopefully, already dechlorinated). However, a few months ago I sent an email to Tetra after an accidental overdose of AquaSafe in my tank due to misread directions. They told me that Aquasafe is "safe" for fish up to about three times the dosage indicated on the bottle. Despite this, I wouldn't try it intentionally.

A teaspoon is 5 mL, which makes things fairly easy.

And to jeef, as others have mentioned you only condition the volume of the new water. Some conditioners say it's ok to overdose (such as Kordon's NovAqua), while some (Marineland's Bio-Safe comes to mind) specifically warn against overdosing.
Or you could avoid the problem altogether and let the water stay out for a day. :p

Anyways, thanks. I'm glad I'd been using it properly. :nod:

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