Search results

  1. G

    Good Fish To Put With A Male Betta?

    Harlequin Rasboras are nice and make great community tank fish. They look great when they swim together too!
  2. G

    Betta Suddenly Not Moving Not Eating

    Sorry I'm getting lost :blush: so he's in a biorb, but you've taken the filter (the clear tube and sponge compartment) out that came with the biorb before you set it up?
  3. G

    Betta Suddenly Not Moving Not Eating

    Is the Biorb switched on and bubbling?
  4. G

    Betta Suddenly Not Moving Not Eating

    No problem :) , I meant the Built in Biorb filter. The tube in the middle that releases bubbles can cause quite a bit of disturbance on the surface, does it seem to be bothering him or have you seen him struggling to swim? Bettas usually have a lifespan of 2 years, but have been known to live...
  5. G

    Betta Suddenly Not Moving Not Eating

    Biorbs have pretty strong water flows and your Betta might not like the strong movement of the water surface when he comes up to breathe due to the effort he'll have to put into swimming because of the drag on his fins. Because of the shape of the BiOrb, once water reaches the sides it is forced...
  6. G

    Anyone Selling (Plakats Or Hm)

    During the summer there are quite a few on there, I think this time of year puts people off posting them :)
  7. G

    Betta With Sore Or Ulcer On His Side

    It doesn't seem to be an issue with the aquarium environment that seems to be causing it. Do the loaches have any sores, ulcers or lesions at all? It could just be that the fish itself is prone to attracting illness and maybe has a weaker immune system. If the other fish aren't affected I'd move...
  8. G

    Ill Betta :(

    If the scales are sticking up, its dropsy. You'll definately notice it, as it won't look right. Your Betta will appear like a "pinecone". Its caused by a build up of fluid under the scales. When the scales start to stick up its usually the final part of the illness, and becomes a bit of a...
  9. G

    Ill Betta :(

    I really hope it isn't dropsy for you - It's such a horrible fish illness. I hope he recovers! Keep us updated.
  10. G

    Sand Subtrate

    It might be worth having a larger sediment layer below the sand. When I planted my sand substrate tank, some of the plants had trouble getting stable and it took a while for them to take hold (I had to go out and buy weights for them). In the end I got rid of sand as it just wasn't practical for...
  11. G

    Best Plants To Buy Plants

    eBays alright for plants too. I've purchased quite a few and the sellers I've purchased from have sent some really dense, good quality plants, just check their feedback before you buy.
  12. G

    Anyone Selling (Plakats Or Hm)

    I've bought a couple of really nice breeding pairs from betta breeders on eBay. I couldn't find the type of Bettas I was after anywhere and I finally found them online. I wasn't too happy about them being posted to me (the postman's face when I opened the door and he said "Hi, I've got your um...
  13. G

    Planted Betta Tank? Plants?

    Elodea Densa (aka Elodea, Canadian Pond Weed) is a nice plant to add, it should be available in most fish stores and you can buy it on eBay. Another one I like is Vallisneria Spiralis (aka Vallis, twisted vallis) it grows super quick and needs pruning every so often, but one tank I used to have...
  14. G

    Betta Male And Cardinals?

    I really envy people who can keep Bettas and tetras in the same tank! It makes such a beautiful display. I have had some really bad experiences with Bettas and tetras (namely neons and cardinals). I added my old female Betta into the tank with them and instantly they set upon her tail fin, so I...
  15. G

    Bubble Nest

    A Bubblenest is a sure sign that your Betta has established his territory and is ready to Breed. Animals always focus on personal survival before they start to breed, so it's clear that he isn't stressed which is a good sign. A bubblenest usually = one content Betta :rolleyes:
  16. G

    When Bettas Attack

    What size is the tank? Your Betta might just be a bit territorial. A smaller tank will mean more traffic through his territory which he might not like. I've found Harlequin Rasboras and White Cloud Mountain Minnows fantastic tankmates myself. Both are readily available in most fish stores and...
  17. G

    Weird Fins

    Its funny though, To buy a fish at Pets at Home its like Who wants to be a millionaire, yet the majority of the P@H stores I've been to have pretty poor fish care.
  18. G

    Neon Tetra Not Schooling

    Schooling fish usually only school when they feel threatened so the fact that a fish feels that it doesn't need to group up with the others is a sign it's feeling pretty safe in the tank.
  19. G

    Aggressive Lemon Tetra?

    Shoaling behaviour is used for protection against predators, so the fact that they don't feel the need to shoal means they must be feeling secure and safe in their tank.
  20. G

    When Bettas Attack

    How do the tetras treat your Betta? Have you noticed any fin nipping?
  21. G

    Introducing George...

    Looks similar to one of my old Bettas :'). I love the little black spots they often have on their dorsal fin!
  22. G

    Hanging Bowl

    Hi, they do look cool, but I'd advise against them. Simply because they aren't very practical when carrying out care. You'll have trouble fitting a heater in it because you'll have wires hanging from it and you'll need to keep taking it down to clean it. Also, because they hold a smaller volume...
  23. G

    New Betta Not Eating

    Just keep offering them the pellets for now, they will eventually eat them when they get hungry enough, I think they might just be holding out for bloodworms. I had the same problem with a female betta I bought from a breeder, she eventually got used to her new diet of pellets and the occasional...
  24. G

    Question For Only Those Of You Who House Their Betta In A Bowl

    If you want to keep TROPICAL fish, you need a heater. If you don't, get coldwater instead. End of. I guarantee you, buying that fish a bigger tank and using a heater will provide you with, literally, a different type of fish shown through colour intensity and personality.
  25. G

    Has Anyone Ever Purchased Bettas From Farmfish66?

    Woah, has some amazing bettas, and so cheap aswell!! I'd have snapped half of all the ones I've seen on there if I lived in the US! Still haven't found "The One" for me yet on but I'll keep looking!
  26. G

    Are Cheaper Dechlorinators Just As Effective As More Expensive Ones?

    Not at all! I'm interested to find out where I can get this stuff or something similar. :good:
  27. G

    Friendly Warning About Ordering Online

    Like everyone else has said it might not have been the website you went on or the internet at all. People can attach box type things to cash point machines which save your details and all the crook has to do is go back to the machine and remove the box. It's happened to two of my friends and is...
  28. G

    Never Use This Thermometer.

    I WANT! :hyper: How much was it?
  29. G

    Are Cheaper Dechlorinators Just As Effective As More Expensive Ones?

    I managed to pick up some more dechlorinator the other day from wilkinsons for £1.99, the dechlorinator I had before was (i think) something like £5.75 and I was tempted to go for the more expensive API Stress Coat one for £8. Is there really a difference between them or are you buying a well...
  30. G

    Never Use This Thermometer.

    I have one of those on one of my smaller fishtanks and I find it really accurate seeing as it was only 99p! Was your water temp particularly cold (or hot)? It might have been a reading off the termometer. If not the one you got was probably faulty. Buy another one and see if it's any better.
  31. G

    Gross Water!

    Hehe! No Problem! I wondered what it was when I first saw it! :good:
  32. G

    Gross Water!

    It's fine, It's a chemical called Methylene Blue which helps reduce levels of ammonia. It is particularly useful for the health of a Betta when kept in the small containers even though they will be cleaned out and given newer water pretty much daily (hopefully). People who specialise in shipping...
  33. G

    30 Gallon Sorority?

    Sounds like a fantastic tank!
  34. G

    Why Do My Fish Keep Dying, Only In This Tank!?!?!?

    When it's empty I usually leave it on to keep the water moving, but I turn the heater off (I need the plug sockets! :rolleyes:). It smells faintly and sort of like some kind of herbal tea, I'm not a fan of herbal tea and I can't drink it because it reminds me of fish tank water :sick:.
  35. G

    Why Do My Fish Keep Dying, Only In This Tank!?!?!?

    Yes, Before I put the cardinals in there it had been set up and running for about three-ish weeks without any fish. Yes, but it's running low so I applied a smaller amount than recommended only because I have three tanks to run and I'm not to sure when I'm going to get the chance to run down to...
  36. G

    Why Do My Fish Keep Dying, Only In This Tank!?!?!?

    Yup, when I move any fish to any tank I always acclimate them properly. I put some bacterial infection meds in last night. I'm not sure what it is, but every fish that gets put in it has similar symptoms (listlessness, death within hours). How would I go about steralising an entire tank? Thanks...
  37. G

    Ive Got Another New Tank..

    Congrats on the tank! It'll be like a palace for them! I'm pretty sure It will look amazing when it's all set up, keep us updated. :good:
  38. G

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    I'd agree with this. Check to see if the females have any chunks missing from their fins. Neon's are nippy and could possibly be harrasing the females.
  39. G

    Help Dead Guppy And Another Looking To Go The Same Way ;o(

    This happened to two of my white cloud mountain minnows ages ago when I first got a large amount of them. It sounds like anything from an electric shock, Chlorine Poisoning, or an Internal Bacterial Problem. Mine turned out to be a bacterial infection and thats most likely what could be wrong...
  40. G

    Why Do My Fish Keep Dying, Only In This Tank!?!?!?

    Whenever I put fish in this specific tank, by the morning they are always dead. I've put 3 White Cloud's in there and they all died overnight, I've put a Betta in there and he died over night and I put 4 Cardinals in there overnight and this morning two are dead and the other two are really...