Friendly Warning About Ordering Online


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
I know many of us fish people buy stuff online because many stores don't have what we need. So I just want to put out a little warning.

Never order from a site that is not locked or secure. I ordered from big Als it was an unlocked site with great deals. well shortly after ordering from there someone started using my card info and stole over $100.00 from me. It's all being taken care of. I thought it would not happen to me but it did. So just a heads up.

Should have listen to my dad on that one.
Crazy how fast it happens. Hopefully you have no major fallout from it. My ex had $300 stolen from his account 4 years ago and I'm STILL hearing about it from various collections agencies (apparently the bank didn't care his card was stolen - he was still expected to pay the bill). :rolleyes: Good luck!
Hmm.. maybe you have some kind of keylogger on your computer? Something that can track what you type out and that's how whoever got your credit info.
Really sucks when someone steals from you. Makes you feel so... I dunno.. violated.
My hubby has had those credit card checks (that he's never ordered but gets sent anyway), stolen out of our mailbox at our old home. Whoever stole them had spent over $2000 in 2 places. Took forever to get it straightened out, he told the credit card place over and over and over again, making it clear, to NOT send him those checks ever again, and what do they do? They kept sending them... sigh......
Hmm.. maybe you have some kind of keylogger on your computer? Something that can track what you type out and that's how whoever got your credit info.
Really sucks when someone steals from you. Makes you feel so... I dunno.. violated.
My hubby has had those credit card checks (that he's never ordered but gets sent anyway), stolen out of our mailbox at our old home. Whoever stole them had spent over $2000 in 2 places. Took forever to get it straightened out, he told the credit card place over and over and over again, making it clear, to NOT send him those checks ever again, and what do they do? They kept sending them... sigh......

Do they ever catch these people? I was shocked it happened to me. stealing mail and fraud Bad news. It is such a pain.
Over in the UK you used to be able to buy a card from certain shops (Not sure if you still can as they were not that popular) and you would top them up at a cashpoint or shop then use that to shop online so you never had to enter your real card details, a v.good idea if you ask me. I personally think they should either bring that back or everyone should accept paypal or something so you only had to enter your details on one site.

Your card may have been cloned when out shopping or using a cashpoint.

Yes I think those are still available.

Also available are credit cards that operate like PAYG mobile sims - i.e. you must pay in advance. It would not necessarily prevent fraud but severely limits the funds available at least.
It could have happened to you in many different places. In the UK there was a scam at Shell petrol stations where the staff were using a camera to watch the keypad you put your pin in and were scanning your card on a card reader under the desk where they took the receipt from. Both sets of details were then emailed abroad and a new card was cloned. Within an hour they were spending your money.....

Just have to be vigilant over your bank statements and point out any transactions quickly that arent yours.
Over in the UK you used to be able to buy a card from certain shops (Not sure if you still can as they were not that popular) and you would top them up at a cashpoint or shop then use that to shop online so you never had to enter your real card details, a v.good idea if you ask me. I personally think they should either bring that back or everyone should accept paypal or something so you only had to enter your details on one site.

Your card may have been cloned when out shopping or using a cashpoint.


yes ive seen these too, great idea come to think of it, stops you over spending too
Like everyone else has said it might not have been the website you went on or the internet at all. People can attach box type things to cash point machines which save your details and all the crook has to do is go back to the machine and remove the box. It's happened to two of my friends and is happening alot in my local area. Also, check your statements for small unknown purchases that eventually build up in price, thats a tell-tale sign that someone could be using your card details.
It's freaking scary. I try and use cash as much as I can. From now on cash only unless I have to use the card. Getting a pre-paid card sounds like a good idea for online buying.

I wish I knew how or where they got the info. But like everyone said there are so many ways to do it.

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