Ill Betta :(


Jan 3, 2010
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he has been looking bloated for a while then today i noticed the jagged scales, and a bit of colour loss

internet says dropsy, have set him up in my 4 gall tank on his own with a plant and added some salt, pimafix, and mela fix,
the last betta to head to this tank didnt make it :(

he seems very active and still eats which is a good sign think i will feed some peas later to help the constipation/bloating

any advise welcome
If he like bloated then don't feed him for a day or two. Are his scales sticking up all over or just around his belly?

You can try giving him a salt bath twice a day forno more than 30 mins at a time. (salt baths are 1 teaspoon of epson salt per gallon of water) when I did them I took a gallon if water out the tank so it was the same temperature, added the salt, made sure it was dissolved and added the fish. It also meant that the tank was kept really clean which will help)
If he like bloated then don't feed him for a day or two. Are his scales sticking up all over or just around his belly?

What's the difference between scales sticking up all over compared to just round the belly? Does one indicate dropsy and the other doesn't? Sorry to hijack, I just really want to know as my betta's scales have started to stick up all over his body.
all over he doensnt get feed at for one day at weekends when im not here, i will give him a salt bath later,
If he is bloated do not use aquarium salt as this will make it worse. You should be using epsom salt for constipation/bloating (just to clarify). Either directly to the tank (1 tablespoon/5 gal) or as a dip (1 tablespoon/gal) for up to 30 mins 2X/day. Do partial water changes while hes in the bath every day for a week or until bloating goes down.
all the best
I really hope it isn't dropsy for you - It's such a horrible fish illness. I hope he recovers! Keep us updated.
What's the difference between scales sticking up all over compared to just round the belly? Does one indicate dropsy and the other doesn't? Sorry to hijack, I just really want to know as my betta's scales have started to stick up all over his body.

If the scales are sticking up, its dropsy. You'll definately notice it, as it won't look right. Your Betta will appear like a "pinecone". Its caused by a build up of fluid under the scales. When the scales start to stick up its usually the final part of the illness, and becomes a bit of a waiting game. I've lost a fish to dropsy and it's really not nice. I was always under the impression that my fish would never really get it because I didn't feed them live food, only freeze dried, but that isn't the case. :(
I really don't want to be pessimistic but once the body swells and the scales rise, the damage internally has already been done and theres not a great deal you can do. Do continue to try and help the fish through treatments but just don't expect a miraculous recovery.
What's the difference between scales sticking up all over compared to just round the belly? Does one indicate dropsy and the other doesn't? Sorry to hijack, I just really want to know as my betta's scales have started to stick up all over his body.

If the scales are sticking up, its dropsy. You'll definately notice it, as it won't look right. Your Betta will appear like a "pinecone". Its caused by a build up of fluid under the scales. When the scales start to stick up its usually the final part of the illness, and becomes a bit of a waiting game. I've lost a fish to dropsy and it's really not nice. I was always under the impression that my fish would never really get it because I didn't feed them live food, only freeze dried, but that isn't the case. :(
I really don't want to be pessimistic but once the body swells and the scales rise, the damage internally has already been done and theres not a great deal you can do. Do continue to try and help the fish through treatments but just don't expect a miraculous recovery.

Thanks, that doesn't sound good then :no:
If he like bloated then don't feed him for a day or two. Are his scales sticking up all over or just around his belly?

What's the difference between scales sticking up all over compared to just round the belly? Does one indicate dropsy and the other doesn't? Sorry to hijack, I just really want to know as my betta's scales have started to stick up all over his body.

If it's all over it could be dropsy. If it's just around the belly they can get it from being bloated, and once the bloating goes down so will the scales :)
If he like bloated then don't feed him for a day or two. Are his scales sticking up all over or just around his belly?

What's the difference between scales sticking up all over compared to just round the belly? Does one indicate dropsy and the other doesn't? Sorry to hijack, I just really want to know as my betta's scales have started to stick up all over his body.

If it's all over it could be dropsy. If it's just around the belly they can get it from being bloated, and once the bloating goes down so will the scales :)

I see, thanks. Not what I wanted to hear though :(
good news bloating and pineconing has gone down and he is more active and has made a nest, maybe he just wasnt happy in the other tank,
but his scales were deffinetly similar to pics for dropsy, will keep him in there for a a week more though, seem quick recovery i did add very small amount of salt and meds to the main tank a day or two before moving him, but not alot due to a plec i did not want to harm

piccy time



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