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  1. G

    My 22nd betta, Sam

    Awww..... You sure tried, my friend! Heckuva heart you got there! At least he was LOVED!
  2. G

    My Master Plan

    You sneaky little devil you!! LOL
  3. G

    Jack's DEAD =(

    Take comfort in knowing he had the best life with you....I'd guess he was just an 'older' betta in a cup.....and his time had come....he was pampered until now, and at least he didn't die suffering. You gave him a comfortable passing....he didn't have to lay there wondering if today was the day...
  4. G


    Hi Momma, Maybe next week? I'm leaving Thursday morning for Iowa for a few birthday began with a phone call that my aunt died in her sleep early in the we are going for the services. Tomorrow is getting ready, dr. appt and oil change....... But I don't believe I...
  5. G


    Thank you for the birthday wasn't a very good day yesterday, but this brought a smile to my face...... Thanks! :D
  6. G

    Minibow opinions

    I've got two bettas in my kitchen, one in a 1.6 gal hex tank, one in a 2.5 g rectangular tank. No filters or airstones, no heaters, the temp stays around 76-78...and they are active and healthy. However, after hearing of BettaMomma's purchasing of a minibow and putting two of her boys in one...
  7. G


    Awww....ok, I DO remember Gabe...because I remember the picked one up after a wedding guy died....I remember that.... The poor Blue boy though I didn't know about. How sad....I tell ya, every day I look at the guy you and I 'rescued' and think of how lucky he
  8. G


    Awwww, he's really cute! But don't tell him I said that..... Where did Gabriel come from? What color? He looks really cool in your picture in your signature! Really cool! I see a lot of new faces....guess I've completely lost track of all of your boys!
  9. G


    Way to go Momma! Woooo Hooo! :kana: Hey, I don't believe I've seen yet a photo of the blind ya have one? I've been not very good at keeping up on this forum lately..........things gotta change!
  10. G

    Pewwww....water stinks!

    Well, my dog/cat/horse water doesn't get cloudy, so I'm not sure. I did a 50% w/c today, and have the light back on. Faint smell, water's not cloudy....I'll keep doing w/c as long as it takes I guess. But I won't keep the light on as long as I have been.... Whatever was/is going on, the...
  11. G

    Pewwww....water stinks!

    Smells like I'd be 100% sure there was a dead fish in there....but there is not! I have not had the light on in 48 hours....going to turn it on today, and do a w/c The last w/c was last Sunday, 35% about. Would it be beneficial to do a larger w/c today? How much? Wish I understood more...
  12. G

    Pewwww....water stinks!

    Hmmm....I don't have any live plants in there, so maybe I could try this. I didn't turn the light on at all today, and will leave it off. I am also going to skip a day on feeding, will any of this maybe help? I just don't understand why now......I do a partial w/c every 10 days, sometimes up...
  13. G

    Pewwww....water stinks!

    No DIRECT There is movement in the water from both filters running, but nothing more.
  14. G

    Pewwww....water stinks!

    Now my post didn't show up...grrrr Would algae actually be visible in the water? Floating around in there, or the water just a greenish tint? Because this is just a slight greenish tint when you stand feet away from the tank, but looks clear. Just started leaving the light off today....there...
  15. G

    Pewwww....water stinks!

    Hmmm.... no smoke, no aerasol sprays.....same food I've always used...... We have our own well water here....just can't see how anything could have changed around here. We're out in the country....nearest farm is about a mile from here......I'm just stumped, and the smell of the water is just...
  16. G

    Pewwww....water stinks!

    Thanks for your input! No snails! Wouldnt' know what to do with 'em if I had them! The water SEEMS clear...but looks like a greenish cloudiness....just a slightness in color perhaps. Yes, I vaccuum all the way to the bottom..... I knew this would be the place I might get some ideas...
  17. G

    Pewwww....water stinks!

    I posted here before about cloudy water. It still is. And now the water in my 75 stinks too....what to do? I've had this tank up and going for a year and a half, and never had this problem.....(except 'new tank syndrome' cloudiness back when I set it up.) Someone mentioned algae or bacteria...
  18. G

    What causes cloudiness

    Hmmm.....thanks. While doing a w/c, I'll change the other cartridges.....s'pose they can get dirtier than normal once in awhile...I usually have a set schedule. The situation with the betta in the tank has been 100% wonderful...he's very happy with all of the space, and all of them come up...
  19. G

    What causes cloudiness

    Recently the water in my 75g has become cloudy. It receives aroundn a 30-35% w/c every 10 days or so. No live plants, and not overstocked. It only contains..... 6 fish, as listed in my signature. I haven't changed food brands, nor have I started overfeeding. Nothing has changed. This...
  20. G

    Which is better? Flakes Or Pellets?

    Now my guys will eat happily the bettamin flakes, won't TOUCH pellets......figures...
  21. G

    Water change ?...yet another!

    Channel 9...would that be cable? Then must be channel 3....wisctv. I will do that! No gravel cups at the west side PS yesterday.....they also do have a set up like you say the east side one does, with a betta in a small bowl with a plant. Hmmmm. So they have it there to Pet...
  22. G

    Water change ?...yet another!

    Thanks for that! Momma, does PW sell live plants? I was thinking of going in there today... Was at PS yesterday, LOTS of bettas there yesterday...I was sad to see they didn't do the cups filled with gravel you mentioned so they all get equal viewing.... or was this at the east side PS?
  23. G

    Water change ?...yet another!

    Ok, so today was water changing, tank scrubbing day for all of them..... My boys in the kitchen are in a 1.6 hex tank and a 2.5 glass tank. Both are getting GRUNGY....gross.....and I do w/c on them twice a week. I've been doing a partial change, vacumming gravel....kinda a mini cycle sort of...
  24. G

    It's time.

    Yep, I easily guessed it must have been the east side, because I didn't see any ick in the westside one...a few dead fish....but bettas didn't look too bad. I was looking at a girly, when I turned the cup around to try to get a good look, there was cottony stuff in the water. Wasn't sure it...
  25. G

    It's time.

    BM, I'm leaving for WM at 8 this AM. Is this the westside WM? I guess when I get there I'll find out, eh?
  26. G

    Where's all the pinned topics?

    I've noticed the lack of pinned topics all of a sudden yesterday. I was reading BettaMomma's post and went to the Fish Emergency board, where they always had a pinned topic about different diseases. Where'd it go??? I wanted to read on what velvet was.
  27. G

    It's a Girl!

    OMG your girls and tank are BEAUTIFUL!!! :wub: Makes me want
  28. G

    It appears as if he's made a full recovery

    He's such a beautiful guy....and very trusting, it's as if he knew he'd not make it otherwise. He doesn't even flinch for water changes, and would practically take his meal out of my fingers. He's just a very happy guy. BettaMomma has to be thanked for that. She is stronger than I am, I...
  29. G

    Rescue Stories & Pics Wanted

    Well BettaMomma, you started the story feel free to use it if you want to. Won't me on much after this fair weekend...and I have a horse going...........
  30. G

    bettas in community tank

    I have a male betta in my 75G tank with gouramis and a pleco. You can ask BettaMomma how comfortable and happy he is in there. If anything were to change, I would pull him out, but they all get along well, no one goes after another, and they all come up begging for their meals, little betta...
  31. G

    I think my betta is a crossdresser

    Ok, we'll go back and rescue 'em all eh? :flex:
  32. G

    I think my betta is a crossdresser

    lipstick wearin' or not........he's still BEAUUUUUUUUUUTiful! :* Hey, plenty of guys out there get away with wearing lipstick.....this guy here just knows he's gorgeous! Man....and there was another one just about like him! :wub:
  33. G

    Look at this BEAUTIFUL boy!

    Yeah, he's not quite swimming walking on his tail anymore...he can swim mostly normally if he wants to. He does still lay around 99% of the time, either in the plant or at the I'm thinkin now he's just a tad lazy!
  34. G

    Look at this BEAUTIFUL boy!

    wooooohooooo! There's hope for me yet! :kana:
  35. G

    Look at this BEAUTIFUL boy!

    Ok, opened a space at Photobucket...lets see if I can do this! When Bettamomma and I got together today, I told her he was 'trying' to flare...but only his gills flared. Well, tonight he put on quite a show for me, and I wanted to proudly share how beautiful this boy is that BettaMomma lost...
  36. G

    Animal Cruelty web link

    Stop Betta Abuse
  37. G

    Some People Suck

    I've never, in photos or person, seen the after affects of two Betta boys jaw hasn't left the floor yet..... :o
  38. G

    I need your help.

    Jeez Wuv! That's just awful......I still can't get over the 'betta floor' photo someone posted.... I'm not finding anything on Midwest Fish, which I know is what he said.... ya know, I'm sounds like it could be reasonable that they are not ALLOWED to give information like that...
  39. G

    Well thanks a whole bunch!

    I'da been happy to help, if I coulda helped! I'm new to bettas, as in just a few weeks, and yes, I'm a guilty one who posted yesterday, but I don't have anything to offer as far as sickies this is all new to me......... take care!
  40. G

    Brown growth covering my tank

    Interesting link about the brown algae. My tap water's nitrates is 40....which I think is kinda high. But the tank is stable at 40. I read on there where lack of oxygen...I have a 75 g with two filters running......could/should I perhaps get a bubblewall or something? Maybe more movement and...