It appears as if he's made a full recovery


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
You might all remember this topic:

Here's his little story in case you don't remember, or don't wanna read that huge long topic...
Here he is still in his little cup:


I discovered him @ the petstore.. he could barely get up to the top of the cup to get air - and he had been in the store for at LEAST 17 days that I know of. It broke my heart, because I didn't have the room to take another one in and try to nurse him back to health right then.. Then Grulla came along, just like a super hero B) and saved him.... took him home and gave him a great little tank. When he got into the tank, he couldn't swim or keep himself upright - he dragged himself around the bottom and barely could get up to the top of the tank. He also laid over on his side. Here he is in the tank:

I brought out some Maracyn Two to see if we couldn't get him rid of whatever it might be causing his swim bladder problem. I thought it might be an infection, we just decided to get him a plant and some maracyn two. Shortly after he came to live with Grulla, she discovered this from him:

She just sent me an email this morning... and here is little Eeyore now:



It appears as if he's made a full recovery - he's swimming just like a normal fish now. Must be all that TLC he's getting out there.

Nice job, Grulla.
I'm such a proud Auntie! :wub:
Aw, that is so wonderful! It always brightens my day when I read those rescue stories! :D
He's such a beautiful guy....and very trusting, it's as if he knew he'd not make it otherwise. He doesn't even flinch for water changes, and would practically take his meal out of my fingers. He's just a very happy guy.

BettaMomma has to be thanked for that. She is stronger than I am, I try to avoid the bettas because I know I'd want to bring them home....

She stopped by last night to see how Eeyore was doing....and of course had to say hello to everyone else too. I feel pretty lucky to have her so close, she's got a heart of gold, and I know she'd come at a moment's notice if my boya needed her to.

Sometimes our hearts get the better of us (before the brains do!) but in this case, it was her heart, and then mine, that helped this guy get to where he's at today. :wub:
They can be huMONGOUS or teeny weeny.
Jack made one for us last night in his 2.5G minibow that covered about 1/3 of the top of the water and was almost an inch high in the middle.
I even had to clear some of it away to feed him.

Some fish just make bigger ones, I guess :)
Awwww, congratulations on a full recovery! It's great what you all did for him. :)

He is gorgeous too! :wub:

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