Which is better? Flakes Or Pellets?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2005
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I'm just not sure which is a better fish food?
Nutritionally, neither. But Bettas eat pellets more readily than they do flakes.

At least, all 40 odd of mine do.
I give frozen brine shrimp as a treat..If not flakes/pellets, what should be ideally fed to them?
Live and frozen foods. Bloodworms, blackworms, mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, peas, daphnia. The more varied, the better.

Pellets are good, too, but they should be supplemented with other things, especially peas, to help prevent constipation.
Wait - I'm sorry - I, for some reason, thought that Grulla had started this topic so my response earlier was to her. sorry. heh

My kids all like pellets and won't touch the flakes.
They also love bloodworms, peas, daphnia, cucumber, etc.
They're hogs.


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