It's a Girl!


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Yeah, I just had to get one more for my girly tank.
She's really pretty - a dark rust color.

There are some minor tiffs going on but nobody's fighting, seems like it should work out fine. I don't have the camera at home tonight but i'll bring it home tomorrow to get pics.
Here she is!


Yeah, I kinda like her too.
She's more of a deep rusty color in person - but in photos she looks dark red.
She adds lots of color (and spunk!) to the tank. :)
She's gorgeous :wub:

How's she fitting in? is the pecking order sorted now?

I just added the 2 juvies I kept from my accidental spawning and another older female I had into the adult female tank as there were only 3 of them in there. Things have settled down quite quickly between them but Roxy of course is still the boss. Better now though that she has lots of other girls to chase and doesn't just pick one one :grr:

Would be nice to see a group shot of your tank if you can get one :D
She's fitting in beautifully.
There was some major flaring going on between her and Millie (the queen of the tank) which was actually funny cuz she's half the size of Millie. The pecking order has been established - but I think that both Millie and Nellie (new girl) have just decided they're going to be co-queens of the tank. They both sort of harrass each other, and then everyone else but there is no major bickering or quarrelling among any of them. Each one of them has developed their own little qualities and has established a little section of the tank as "their turf".

Daisy's my bottom scrounger, Cloey's my top-of-the-tank lurker, Millie just swims everywhere harrassing everyone, Pearl loves to hide out either in the cave or behind the slate in the back, Liza likes to hang out by the heater in the back and the new girl cruises around rubbing her face against the glass on each end of the tank. I think she's just not used to being in a tank with flat sides - that are that BIG!

Oh, and I just happen to have a shot of the girls all together... :)

and here's the inside of the tank after I did a major overhaul and pretty massive cleanout and vacuum on it last night:

here they are, all except Nellie, waiting for their dinner last night. lol
Oh my, your new red girl looks exactly like my Pea Princess. So cute! Your betta family looks so happy! I am glad they accepted her.
Me too.
I threatened them with the WalMart time-out cup just like you told me to.
I think it helped!


I just love the solid colored dark ones. They're so pretty :)
The new girl is beautiful, I LOVE that group shot :wub:
Nice tank, too
I wish wish WISH that males could get along together so I could have a male community tank. I juts LOVE community tanks - especially planted ones. :)

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