It's time.


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
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Near Madison, WI
This is, but isn't, just another one of those ***** about WalMart stories.
I went and got my snail - he's fabulous. He's yellow but was covered in this green seaweedy crap so I knew he needed me. What I saw next made me stomp out of the store and race home to get to work.

There was a dead betta for starters. I promptly picked him up and walked over to a guy working in that very aisle and said pretty loudly "Sir, you have a DEAD BETTA HERE." You could tell he was embarrassed. He sighed and thanked me.

I moved over to the other tanks.
EVERY fish in EVERY single tank had ick. bad. like they had been wet down and rolled in salt. not even kidding. then I saw the 3 little guys that set me off down a path of complete psychoticness. They were 3 adroable little goldfish - the kind with the bubbly eyes - well.... they were so covered in ick and some kind of slimy stuff, that you could barely tell they were goldfish. OH, and it was probably kind of hard to tell because A L L of E V E R Y one of their fins was gone. These were little goldfish bodies. No tails, no fins, they were just bobbing around the tank. 1 eyeball puff had completely burst and was an oozing open wound on 2 of the 3 fish. I glanced at the rest of the fish and knew I had to get out of there pronto. I was literally sick to my stomach. Not because of the sight of the fish but because of how psychotic I was about to become. I was even shaking.

I drove home and fired up the computer.
As I was waiting for it to load up, I called WalMart and had a "nice" long talk with the manager. I then called the district manager. I then called the local news channel and left a message. I just emailed them also and I"m going to contact my previous boss's wife (She's a news anchor on that station) and see if they will consider doing a story undercover and confront a store manager on the spot. I'm also going to write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper and keep my fingers crossed that it gets published.

I am also drafting a written report to send over to the Animal Alliance here in town and I will be figuring out how to get ahold of the ASPCA, even though we don't have an actual office for them here in town - I'm sure they'll LOVE to know about this. And last, but not least I'm going to contact PETA. I haven't yet actually called them and asked them to sick themselves on anyone, but it's time.

I just had to vent to someone - you don't have to agree or disagree with me, you don't have to post back to me whatsoever. However, I am home alone right now and had to tell someone that would actually understand.
Good on you for taking a stand. I refuse to go to the fish department at WM simply because it always looks the way you described. The last time I was there all the fish had ich and their goldfish were finless too. Dead fish everywhere, typical Walmart. If WM would just stop selling live fish, life would be so much better.
I hadn't gone into this WalMart for a while because they had actually started taking pretty good care of their fish. I only go to WM to check out the welfare of the aquatic animals they have there, and tonight I went there with the intent to "rescue" a snail. I'd have 3 near dead goldfish right now, too, if I had anywhere to put them. :/ At LEAST give them a peaceful death where they didn't have people coming by making faces and knocking on their glass all day long until they quietly die alone.

I am so completely and utterly sick of bitching and griping and having nothing happen that I need to make sure that at least someone knows that I mean business.

Sorry to rant and rave again about something that folks are ALWAYS on here complaining about, but somebody has to start doing something to make some waves about this.

Uuugh it's so depressing.
YAH!!! GO BETTAMOMA!!!!!!!!!
We are all cheering for you! Your my role-model (really!)
That would be absolutly AWESOME if you could get the newspapers envolved, and of course, PETA. Wow...imagine what they'll do! :shifty:
You've really inspired me (and I'm sure I'm not the only one). Next time I see something wrong with the fish at my Walmart, or any store for that matter, I'll actually try to do something about it!
Good luck!
Thanks for the support.

I just visited the PETA website. YIKES. Talk about an eye opening experience. I'm still going to go through with contacting them, though. Although I support their cause, I do not support the way they go about it. If anyone can cause a stir, they can.
wow, that is utterly insane MADNESS! makes me sick. I hope you can make a difference in that horrible walmart, I guess I'm lucky, I never see any problems in our walmart, and the betta cups there are actualy large! good luck!!
Insane madness is a very good way to describe it.
I'm going to order a picture phone tomorrow so I can start documenting this stuff in living color. It's just so completely senseless.
That's just disgusting. I think you must have one of the worst Walmarts around.

Good for you for taking some serious action, BM. It sounds like they've worn out their warnings, and it's time for that serious action.
The worst thing about it is that I thought they were getting better. I had been on their case quite regularly. They were improving. Or so I thought. So I kinda backed off my visits.

There is NOOOOOOOOOO excuse for a dead betta (he was a gorgeous doubletail too - first one i've ever seen at a WM) - he had been dead a while because his eyes were starting to decay. And the fact that there was a guy working not 10 feet away from the dead boy in the cup just made me livid. I didn't really see any signs of anything physically wrong with him, so that was something in their favor i GUESS. He may not have looked sick to them before he died, but tonight he was long gone. He looked like a little angel. He was white and very, very pretty.
Poor little guy.

Can you imagine dying at WalMart?
To make it all the way to WalMart and then die on the shelf there?
It makes my skin crawl and my heart hurt.
Poor fishie :-( It makes me want to run out and buy all the bettas I can find. I hate to see them suffer. In fact I dislike going to most fish stores, even places like Big Al's. Last time I was in there I saw at least 15 dead fish. I stopped the manager, whom I have known for years, told him I was disgusted at the condition of their tanks and that I was refusing to buy any more fish or products from them again. There is used to be staff all over that place taking care of the fish. Now the staff stays at the front with the empty tanks or they are worrying about their arrowana display they are building.

Sorry I went a little off topic there, guess I needed to rant too.

Keep pushing them BM, they will give under the pressure eventually!
BettaMomma said:
I just visited the PETA website. YIKES. Talk about an eye opening experience. I'm still going to go through with contacting them, though. Although I support their cause, I do not support the way they go about it. If anyone can cause a stir, they can.
Hah, yeah. PETA is a little crazy, but they know how to get things done (namely by going completely insane and causing a huge stir.)

I read a story on their site about an injured feeder rat at a Petco that was actually getting excellent medication for the problems it was having... and they were still upset that the rat got given to a customer as snake food. That rat was given more care than most feeder rats could even dream of! :rolleyes:
Kick some tail BM!!!!! *fires up the Betta Bus!!!!*
I have refused to go into the pet section of any store until after my pregnancy. With these hormones it is for the good and safety of others..... :sly: I probably would have held the managers head down in one of the tanks to see how he liked the water. :angry:
Good for you BettaMomma! You are trying to make a difference! :nod:
FishyLoveBug said:
:sly: I probably would have held the managers head down in one of the tanks to see how he liked the water. :angry:
:crazy: Please don't give BettaMomma any ideas!! We'll be taking up a collection to have her bailed out of jail. :p

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