Jack's DEAD =(

Take comfort in knowing he had the best life with you....I'd guess he was just an 'older' betta in a cup.....and his time had come....he was pampered until now, and at least he didn't die suffering. You gave him a comfortable passing....he didn't have to lay there wondering if today was the day for weeks or months....he lived happily until it was time...

Take care, my friend.
Thanks for all the encouragement.

I stayed awake half the night trying to figure out what it could have been.
I went over and over the steps of his water change in my head, and I KNOW that I dechlorinated - but then I started to doubt myself, even though I specifically remember putting the drops in. I got to thinking about it, and even if I hadn't dechlorinated, it should not have mattered, as I have one of those PUR water filters that claims to remove 99.99% of the chlorine in water, so that shouldn't have been it.

The only other thing I can think of is that I gave him a new arch to swim thru rather than the clay pot-looking thing he used to have. I thought maybe something with that, but I had soaked it in hot water and salt before I packed it away, and it was sealed in a plastic bag until I re-soaked it last night before putting it in. It wasn't in a tank where someone was sick before, either. And was never stored near anything that might have gotten on it.

It's just baffling.
I suppose it does make me feel better to know that he didn't have to suffer like little Amos did... or Simon did... or Blue did. It just makes it hard when you don't have time to say goodbye. :/
Sorry for your loss.R.I.P.jack
R.I.P Jack ,you know you where a good mommy to him and i know he had to love you(make that alot).
I'm very sorry to hear about Jack BettaMomma. :( It has to be that much worse because it was so sudden and such a mystery, but I don't think you have anything to blame yourself for. I'm sure you dechlorinated the water, with all the water changes you do it has to be automatic and second nature by now. I know sometimes people can die suddenly of things like heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms, blood clots. I don't know if fish can but it may be something sudden and inexplainable like that happened.

Swim free at the RB little Jack :byebye:
Poor lil guy. At least now you have an empty tank to fill with another poor betta. LOL, that sounds a bit awful, but I'm sure every time you leave an ill betta behind that you can't house you feel awful. You'll feel much better when you've changed another half-dead, fungus covered, no finned betta into the Johnny Depp of the betta world :)
Aw Bettamomma....I'm sorry. :( It might have just been his time, but at least he had a good life right?
Yeah, I guess it opens the door for some other sick soul.
We were kind of talking at our house this morning, though - we might want to get a hermit crab for Jack's tank. I just don't know if anyone could rule his tank the way he did. I know that sounds completely ridiculous, but that's Jack's tank and no other betta would seem to fit in it. I don't *think*. Silly, yes I know.

I guess I will have to cruise the aisles at WalMart one of these next days and see what I might discover... If no one is sick (ha!), I guess I might take that as a sign that we should get a crab.
BettaMomms I am so sorry. All I can think of is old age. Sometimes fish just up and die. He had a great life with you though. My condolences. Fish are family to you, and I know he had everything his little fishy self could ask for. :rip: Jack!
BettaMomma said:
I just don't know if anyone could rule his tank the way he did. I know that sounds completely ridiculous, but that's Jack's tank and no other betta would seem to fit in it. I don't *think*. Silly, yes I know.
No, it's not silly. No other betta will ever take Jack's place for you. Yes, there are and will be others, but Jack had a special spot just for him. I completely understand.

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