I need your help.


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
So, I met Grulla today at AniMart - my new favorite place to scope out fish. Until today. :grr:

I got there a little bit before she did so I decided to walk around and look at the fish. I saw a bag of bettas sitting on the counter and went over to inspect them a little bit closer. When I got over there, I discovered that a bunch of bettas were in little bags inside of a larger bag - the bigger one was probably about the size of a bread bag. When I saw what was inside, my heart sank.

These poor little guys were in little bags that the only thing I can think of to describe how small the bags were is to think of if you were at a craft store and were going to buy a little teeny bag of beads - then imagine about 3 tablespoons of water in the bag. I immediately went to the 2 guys who were unpacking the new shipment of fish and asked if that's how they normally get their bettas in. They said not all the time, and that they occasionally get them in inside of the teeny cups. I told them it was horrendous and they needed to get those poor bettas out of there right away. I think they were scared, cuz they immediately did it.

They dumped the teeny little bags into a larger tank that had plants in it, to acclimate them. Grulla showed up about then, so we went by there and I was showing her these awful little bags, when I discovered it - yeah, the first dead one I have seen. the rest of these poor little guys were barely covered in enough water to keep themselves wet.

I was too devistated to say anything. We just walked around the store for a little while - all the whole time I was plotting exactly what I would do.

SO... before we left I asked the guy that was putting the fish away where they get their bettas from, and he said they get them from a place called Midwest fish supply, or midwest pet supply, something along those lines.

I am going to go on a pretty severe rampage today but I need some assistance. I've spent the last half hour trying to locate them thru google and other means, but I can't seem to find them.

This was completely beyond words. I was just completely too devistated to say anything. I already called the store to speak to the person who orders fish, but he won't be in for another 20 minutes or so. I'm going to call back over there in a bit. I'll stop back and let you know how it goes.
Good on you, you could get a petition going i would sign it.
I would call the store and ask them flat out who supplies their fishies! You may want to also ask arounf lfs's to see if they have heard of them and know their location or contact info. Till then Detective FLB is on the case *blows on her bubble pipe* :shifty:
That's common practice, BM, as horrible as it is. If you watch almost any store unpack their Bettas, it's how they've been shipped. I've gotten a couple of my boys straight out of those bags, with water just barely enough to cover their bodies. Makes me shudder just thinking about it.
I was under the impression that that is actually how they are shipped over from Asia. And that that is not an uncommon way for them to be shipped in general from suppliers to dealers (and I'm not talking from a breeder to an individual buyer). You may find you have to go beyond even your lfs' dealer.
MAM said:
I was under the impression that that is actually how they are shipped over from Asia. And that that is not an uncommon way for them to be shipped in general from suppliers to dealers (and I'm not talking from a breeder to an individual buyer). You may find you have to go beyond even your lfs' dealer.
This is true. Sometimes they're only...(brace yourselves) wrapped in wet peat moss or paper.

As long as they have air and their bodies are wet, they're usually ok. Such tough little fish :wub:
Jeez Wuv! That's just awful......I still can't get over the 'betta floor' photo someone posted....

I'm not finding anything on Midwest Fish, which I know is what he said.... ya know, I'm wondering...it sounds like it could be reasonable that they are not ALLOWED to give information like that out...? Midwest Fish is just so generic, perhaps they are told that if asked, this is what they are to say? I don't know.....I somehow remember a situation like this...but can't put my finger on it...where someone said a fake name was used.

BettaMomma, as you were leaving after lunch, my son was saying "she come to mom's house??" LOL....he's so shy, but by the time we got a block away he was saying your name plain as can be......LOL....

Anyway, so far I've found nothing on Midwest Fish. I was actually going to call them until you said you already had. I look forward to hearing what you found out.

These little bags were just horrid....makes the cups look like a mansion.

They did have some very beautiful crowntails there....a blackish one like BM's Six, and a powdery bluish one.....they were beautiful.....
:eek: :huh: :blink: :crazy: :sad: :-( :grr: ---> My emotions as I read what Bettamomma wrote. How disgusting is that? Their poor bodies already go through so much as it is... it's hard for me to believe that they also ship them in teensy bags with little or no water or with just moist peat moss. That ticks me off. :sly:
That is b*ll####.

I did call the store, they won't give me the address of the place, just the name and the name is so generic it's hard for me to find it. EVERYTHING in the Midwest is called "Midwest..." something or other.

Does this not piss you guys off?
Is there not something we can collectively do to stop this?

I have made several phone calls this afternoon - one of them being to the All Animals Alliance here in Wisconsin. They're hooking me up with several national organizations that they said are probably already working on something like this. She said she's not ever had anyone call in about it, but after I told her what I had seen, she said that not many people must have witnessed them unpacking their fish before.

I am completely ballistic right now.
And every store does NOT get their fish in this way - I've seen both WalMarts unpacking their bettas, both PetSmarts and the other night I was in Aquatic Specialties - they ALL received them in the little cups. Even the guy at AniMart said they only get them in bags every once in a while.

I guess the reason this is bothering me so much is because one of them was dead. Gray and DEAD.

You guys can tell me this is the norm all you want to but I'm going to raise one hell of a ruckus before I quit on this one.
Sorry - I'm not trying to go off on any of you, and I know what you're saying.
So you can tell me I'm being a hag and that will be okay - cuz I am.
This whole thing just angers me a tad.

I hope you do, BM. I really hope that you do.

If there's something needs signing, bring it to my attention, and I'll sign it, straight away. I HATED seeing them shipped like that. But be forewarned that it's a big problem. A lot of shippers ship them that way. My boys came from California, not out of the midwest, and they were shipped that way. It's not just one place doing it.
There's the Midwest Betta Club,lead by Victoria Parnell..
If they come from there then they're probably not in the bags too long. Were they veils though? Because if so than I'm willing to bet they're not club fish and that they came from overseas.

Does this not piss you guys off?
Is there not something we can collectively do to stop this?
It does and it doesn't,if that makes sense. It's the most efficient way for them to ship from overseas. They do everything in bulk and it's just their way. I'm willing to bet that the Walmart fish do come that way but they probably stop at a trans-shipper for cupping.
Kiarra said:
I hope you do, BM. I really hope that you do.

If there's something needs signing, bring it to my attention, and I'll sign it, straight away. I HATED seeing them shipped like that. But be forewarned that it's a big problem. A lot of shippers ship them that way. My boys came from California, not out of the midwest, and they were shipped that way. It's not just one place doing it.
Yeah, you're right.
I guess it's just by luck that I didn't know this before.

Ever have those moments when you just say to yourself....
"I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know yesterday!"?


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