Rescue Stories & Pics Wanted

You two are welcome to use all material and the pictures of the two rescues I found in their cups together. Not exactly a happy ending, considering they both died.
Well BettaMomma, you started the story feel free to use it if you want to. Won't me on much after this fair weekend...and I have a horse going...........
I have 3 stories...

First One - Cowboy
We rescued him a few years ago. He was in a tank with another male Betta ( :crazy: )
and he had almost NO fins. So, we took him home, and treated him. I don't have any before pictures, but here he is today. You can't see his fins that well, because they are almost clear...but it's the best I could do.

Second One - Bob
We just got him about 2 weeks ago. He was at the fish store, in a REALLY small cup for his size. He also had fungus. He's gotten over that now. He's very very active now, going around, flaring at everything. I'll try to get a picture of him tonight. Edit: Here they are....pretty bad, but the best I could get for now.


Third One - Rainbow
He's also pretty new. He was in a VERY dirty cup, and he had ich. He also had this pitiful little face, so I just had to take him home. He looked so sad. :-( His ich is almost gone now too. I'll also try to get a picture of him tonight. Edit: I will try to get better ones, but here are a few for now:


And those are my stories!
GrullaQuarters said:
Well BettaMomma, you started the story feel free to use it if you want to. Won't me on much after this fair weekend...and I have a horse going...........
I will put up your photos too :)

Have fun at the horse fair!
I have a betta rescue story, although he wasn't rescued from a pet store he was rescued from a first year student apartment (sometimes just as dangerous :lol: )

Anyway this girl bought a betta because all of her friend were doing it. She put him in a big 1 gallon bowl in the middle of her coffee table and used him as a center peice. Unfortunately that's what he turned into. They never remembered to feed him, and when they did they dumped the tank full of fish flakes. They never remembered to change his water, i don't think it was actually fully changed! She would just notice the water was low and take it over the tap and top it up, no dechlorinator at all or anything!

The poor little betta didn't even have a very good name, they called him Shat-face because they were always drunk or high when they watched him. He was soo small and had barely any fins (I actually thought it was a female :crazy: )
But he was able to survive all this, tough betta that he was.

Then this girl went home for the winter break (4 weeks i may add) and kinda forgot the betta back in her residence where they turn the thermostat WAY down. She didn't even realize she had forgotten about him until she was driving back to school. :blink:

When she eventually looked at him, there was barely enough water to cover him and he was lying on his side to stay underneith the water and had lost most of all his fins, dorsal too!. She felt bad so she took the tank over to the tap and filled up the water and dumped half the container of food in with him so he'd have plenty to eat. :S

And yet he was able to survive that whole ordeal.

So at the end of the semester, she was tired of her centerpeice and was getting ready to flush him down the toilet because she didn't want him anymore :grr:
My boyfriend came to the rescue and told her that i'd take it (even before i knew, lol)

So he came to me at the beginning of the summer in a little soup jar. At this point we still thought it was a she because it was soo small and little fins. I renamed him Nova, because he was going to start out a new life sitting beside my fish betta Van.

This was him at the end of the summer


other than his interesting dorsal you'd never even known he had fin rot.

He had so much personality, i've never actually seen a fish get depressed when another fish dies. When Van died, Nova always seemed to be looking for him when he turned in the direction where his tank used to be :-( It was soo sad so i got him a another blue betta friend Cobalt and he was soo happy. he bubblenested right away :rofl:

Sadly Nova passed away in November this year due to Ich (i didn't know what it was at the time and wasn't able to treat it, i feel so guilty now) but he lived for more than 2 years even though he put up with all that abuse. but i'm sure he was very happy that i rescued him :D
if you'd like you could add my website
its purpose is to help new betta owners find correct information and is divided into over 40 topics with 150 websites listed within. it's also listed with several major search engines. it was made in memory of cerulean blue our beautiful rescue. we'd be happy to link when your site is up.
the story of Chewey!
i was going to pets@home to buy some fish food when i HAD to go and look at the bettas.i was looking when i saw a greeney/blue betta in a tank with neons ,danios and guppies that were eating him alive he was so stressed he had squessed himself in a cave to try and escape the little fish!i marched to the till and ordered them to take him out when the manager gave me him for free as he was nearly dead so i rushed him home and put him in my livebearer tank while i rushed out and bought a little 1gal and medicated him!he lived and now is living happily at my mams work and had about 20 owners!
Jericho is my rescue story. He was in a tank at Walmart with what looked like hundreds of neon tetras that were eating him up. His fins were in shreds and he was trying to hide, but whenever he stopped three or four of the little devils were all over him. I showed him to an employee who shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't put him in there, and he didn't know who did, but he didn't have anything to put him in so he would just have to leave him there. I told him he could put him in a bag because I was taking him home and I wanted to see the manager. I waited at the customer service desk for 15 minutes and the manager never showed up, so I bought Jericho and took him home. (Yes, I called and chewed her ear off. I also reported to the home office about her never showing up at the service desk.)

I didn't know then that I should have kept him quarantined, so I put him in my community tank and watched him closely to make sure there was no trouble with my zebra danios. The next morning he was covered in "salt". That was my first trip to TFF. I found out what the problem was, got him isolated and medicated.

That was in mid-February. Jericho is now the king of the community tank. His fins will never be the same, but he doesn't let it bother him. They have grown out quite a bit and he can again swim normally. No, he is not physically beautiful as I am sure he once was, but he's beautiful inside. He doesn't bother any of the other fish unless he sees them going after someone else. Then he swims between the aggressor and the victim and will flare at the aggresor. That's usually all it takes. He never goes after them and they leave him alone.

He has developed a "special" relationship with my plec. I told in a previous post about how he seems to be in love with my plec. They have now taken up residence together. I purchased a "connect-a-rock" at my LFS and built a small cave for the tank. Jericho and Fergie now live together inside the cave. Just hoping I don't wind up with little Jeri-Fergs swimming around in there someday!!!

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