bettas in community tank


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
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I have a well established community tank of 30 gallons. I have 4 angel fish, 4 zebra danios, 2 red dwarf gouramis and a bristle nose pleco. I would like to add a male and female betta. Would they be compatible with these other fish or will there be problems. Please help thank you,
All betta's are different.

Firstly there is no way you can add one male and one female. Ratio should be at least three females to a male.

I would be abit unsure about adding them all at the same time. Frankly I wouldn't have males and females in the same tank.

I'd recommend getting a male and seeing how you go. But make sure you have other arrangements for him should he not fit in.

There is no hard and fast rule about betta's just be prepared for the unexpected..........
Bettas have a strong preference for being alone, and tend to be agressive to other fish. I think that you would do much better to keep one male in a separate tank then attempt one female and one male in your tank.

You should actually never mix male and female bettas in a tank; they will fight each other, or possible even kill each other. The species is hardwired to fight other bettas. They do get along for brief periods while mating, however, this is a long, careful process and the fish must be separated afterwords. Unless you want some 300 babies - veiltails, which are hard to place - I wouldn't try breeding.

As for the compatibility of a male or female with your other fish, I couldn't say for sure, but females tend to be slightly less agressive than males (not always though). If you want more than one female, you'll need 5 (some people say three works, but 5 is the generally accepted number). That might make your tank a little crowded, depending on how large your other fish are at maturity.

If you choose to try bettas, remember: one male OR one female OR five females, never any combination of male and female ;) And always have a back-up tank if the betta starts attacking your other fishies (for one betta, something around 2.5 gallons should be fine, for the group of 5 females, 10 gal is suggested)

Hope that helped ^^
I have a male betta in my 75G tank with gouramis and a pleco. You can ask BettaMomma how comfortable and happy he is in there. If anything were to change, I would pull him out, but they all get along well, no one goes after another, and they all come up begging for their meals, little betta included....they all just get along great. Not interested in babies myself, so I'm not adding any females...but this guy sure loves it in his BIG tank!

I hadn't planned on keeping him in there....but now I'm afraid he'd go mad if I took him out.
i would be careful about bettas and gourami's together...they may fight...and i wouldn't put a male and female in together, because they would also probably fight!
i do beg to differ. i know bettas in the wild are solitary fish, but i've had plenty of bettas in with other fish. (female bettas, guppies, tetras, catfish, angels) and they did fine. Now as said before, all bettas are different, but don't throw the idea out completely. do some trials. see how it works out, and if your fish are like mine then they will do fine.
:S ok will someone clarify this for me I would like to go today and get a betta male or female not sure to add to my community tank that has platys , tiger barbs , zebra danios would this be good or is it just try and see and have a backup just in case I love the colors on the bettas and I really want to add it butt I don't want ant uneeded suffering for any of the fish if this doesn't work out .......... :S
Tiger Barbs are notorious fin rippers, and should never be kept with male Bettas.
IMO bettas arnt the aggressive ones!i had a betta killed by nippers coz he wouldnt fight back :crazy:
Now, while I can't say my Bettas get along famously, they get along quite well for a lonely pair. I'm going to be berated for this, but the most I've seen is Dimi flaring his eyes out at Maraschino and her swimming away into plants. In fact, Dimi has more finnage missing than the girl does, because she is quick enough to take nibbles at his exposed anal fin.

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