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  1. C

    I Would Like To Delete My Account. How Would I Do This?

    Hi, I was wondering if I could delete my account or all my posts from this site. I am doing a project with my current username on this forum (camad727) and my partners need to use my username to search for my blog posts on Cardiovascular Development, and my posts from here are getting in the way...
  2. C

    What Is Your Dream Tank?

    600L Saltwater fish-only tank. I really want to do this someday and probably will have a go at it. The saltwater puffers and eels and the like r so cool. I wouldnt have the mind to hassle with inverts, so I would want just fish
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    Is A 300l Big Enough For 2 Gold Severums?

    topic ^
  4. C

    Disappointing Fish?

    I bought 5 angelfish and they are pretty boring, they kind of just drift around. I guess there not really bad, just not what I expected them to be like
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    What Do You Think About These Tankmates?

    Its a juwel rio, so 121 cm length and not sure about height and width. Iv removed the internal filter to make some space. I dont see why 2 severums would be a problem... is it cause of aggression? im thinking of moving the kuhliis into a 50L tank in a few weeks.
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    What Do You Think About These Tankmates?

    In my 300L I currently have 3 clown loaches. 1 whiptail catfish. 1 blue acara. I am determined to add 2 gold severums. What other tankmates could I add? I like the look of firemouths and convicts. I was thinking though they might b too aggresive. r there any other america/s. american cichlids...
  7. C

    Hi. Need Some Advice With My New Sa Cichlid Tank

    It is a 300L juwel rio. I currently have in it: 2 juvi gold sevs 4 clown loaches 1 gn pleco 1 blue acara I want to add some more fish as it looks really bare atm. Im thinking 3 firemouths or convicts. 1 bristlenose plec, and a red-tail shark. Would this be allright?
  8. C

    New Juwel Rio 300l (will Keep Updated)(pic Heavy)

    thnks for all the compliments on the tank guys! To respond to a few questions, Im planning on getting a 35L tank to house the neons and blue rams and kuhlii loaches so that they dont get bullied by any of the larger fish about to go in. Im getting a senegal bichir, 4 silver angels 1 black lace...
  9. C

    My Discus Community Tank

    great tank m8! I wonder where you got that bogwood piece? Iv been looking for something like that for ages now.
  10. C

    New Juwel Rio 300l (will Keep Updated)(pic Heavy)

    Well here is my new tank, updated from a 150L. I currently have in it 4 Clown Loaches 4 Boesemani Rainbows 2 Blue Rams 1 Bolivian Ram 3 Kuhlii Loaches 6 Neon tetras 3 ghost shrimp 1 gold nugget pleco Here is the crappy old tank:D ::: And here is the new one: lol thats...
  11. C

    Finally The Fish Arrive!

    the tanks amazing. thats great aquascaping! I can never seem to get mine right, that looks perfect. Where did u get the big boulder-like rocks?
  12. C

    Getting 215l Tank

    well youve kind of answered your own question. but pearl gouramis r nice community fish, you could et a pair/
  13. C

    Is This An Allright Stock For My 300l?

    From what Iv read and been told clown loaches grow very slowly and take a long time to reach their maximum sizes. The tank is fine for now, when they eventually outgrow it in maybe a year. I will probably get a larger tank to accomodate the fish. I was just wondering about any compatability...
  14. C

    Is This An Allright Stock For My 300l?

    it is 121 X 62 X 51 cm.
  15. C

    Is This An Allright Stock For My 300l?

    Hi, Well the 4 clown loaches are allready in the tank with the 5 boesemani and golden nugget and are all doing great. The tank has been running for a couple of months now. So it is the 5 angels, bichir and blue acara that i will be adding. Yeh I am fascinated with the blue acara, it seems...
  16. C

    Is This An Allright Stock For My 300l?

    Hi all I am in the middle of stocking my 300L tank and was wanting some advice on my final stocking plan. Like compatability issues, overcrowding, and just general insight. ok her eit is: 5 Boesemani Rainbows 5 Silver Angelfish 1 Senegal Bichir 1 Blue Acara 4 Clown Loaches 1 Gold Nugget Pleco...
  17. C

    My Brackish Tank...

    Man I gotta say ur tank is amazing, it looks so much bigger than a 120L. The plants ae great and I love the puffers. how much more effort do you have to put into a brackish set-up compared to a FW, as I am considering starting up a brackish tank.
  18. C

    Thinking Of Getting A Shoal Of 5 Angels...

    the tank is 300L in size, and I dont really have many fish in there atm. ill need to create a sig with mi tank details. Iv read on angelfish articles that for a well sized tank 5 is a good number of angels to have.
  19. C

    Thinking Of Getting A Shoal Of 5 Angels...

    I am thinking of getting a shoal of 5 angelfish from trimar and was wondering what you guys think about mixing different breeds. Do you think it would b kl to mix kois and silvers (for instance). Or get 5 of one breed? also r there any actual problems with mixing different breeds?
  20. C

    Loach Identity

    looks like a polka dot loach. maybe a colour variation of the common polka dot loach
  21. C

    I Want To Apply For A Job At An Lfs... What Would I Be Doing In The Jo

    thanks that was a really great help, Im sure ill enjoy it, its just some parts of the job are probably a lot more demanding than say waiting tables:p. Did you find that you were able to answer customers questions straight away? or did you get the ***** jobs for a few months?
  22. C

    I Want To Apply For A Job At An Lfs... What Would I Be Doing In The Jo

    I am 16, I live in Scotland and am currently working Sundays at a cafe as a waiter. Understaffed and underpaid and I hate my job. I have a lot of knowledge of fish, not so much of saltwater fish, as I have never kept them. There is an lfs 10 minutes from my house called Waterworld Aberdeen and...
  23. C

    What. In Your Opinion. Is The Hardest Fish To Catch?

    lol im glad every1 else thinks CAE's are difficult to catch:D. Just tried for 1/2 hour to get the two out of the tank and still havent managed with no decor in the tank! Im going to have to get the water level way down.
  24. C

    What. In Your Opinion. Is The Hardest Fish To Catch?

    When i moved one of my clown loaches their spine came out and got stuck in the net! such a nightmare! its fine now but I got a bit of a shock
  25. C

    What. In Your Opinion. Is The Hardest Fish To Catch?

    I recently did a large tank change and had to remove many fish and was wondering what other people thought were the hardest fish they have had experience catching? IMO the Chinese Algae Eaters were impossible to catch (so hard they r still in the old tank:D). So what do you guys think are the...
  26. C

    Question Regarding Stocking My Tank... :)

    I have had my tank running with the filter on for a day now and the water is still a bit cloudy from the sand substrate. Is it allright to start adding fish atm, or will this afect the fish? I can see right through the tank easily, but it is still kind of hazy. If it is ok I was thinking of...
  27. C

    Would It Be Allright To Buy Sand From A Garden Centre?

    allright Ill go see if they have ;play sand
  28. C

    Where's A Really Good Place To Buy Stock Online? is very good, and is highly recommended throught the U.S, they have a very wide range of stock.
  29. C

    Would It Be Allright To Buy Sand From A Garden Centre?

    I cant find sand for my aquarium anywhere but Dobbies Garden Centre next to me sells big bags of "Sillica Sand" for really cheap. I am going there in like half an hour, would this sand be allright for my tank? is there anything I need to watch out for on the sand description to warrant not...
  30. C

    How Can I Make My Bolivian Ram More Collerful!?!?!

    sorry but you sound like a bit of an idiot, you obviouslly did no research. and possesed? r u serious, like said before, that is normal cichlid teritorial behavior. I dont even have any cichlids and I know that.
  31. C

    Which Tank Oh Which Tank:p?

    Well I used to have a bow front and recently got a Juwel Rio 300. ANd I now know that bowl fronts are a load of crap, they dont enhance the view of the fish, they just seriously distort them. If I were you I would deff go for the juwel rio 400, you will be dissapointed by the bow-front
  32. C

    Will This Fishlist Make My Tank Overcrowded?

    Well i have read through a lot of sites and they say that the blue acara is a very peacefull cichlid, and a single specimen can be kept in a community with similiar sized fish. As long as I dont have a pair and they dont spawn then aggresion wont be that big a problem. I think i am going to go...
  33. C

    Will This Fishlist Make My Tank Overcrowded?

    allright, guess ill leave it then, i love the look of the blue acaras, thats dissapointing
  34. C

    Will This Fishlist Make My Tank Overcrowded?

    Orite, well i will have plenty of bogwood and slate pieces in the tank with a sand substrate for them to burrow in. I think my boliv rams r deffinitely a male and female so i will have to watch out for that. I was advised on another forum that it is better to buy angels in groups of 5 or more...
  35. C

    Will This Fishlist Make My Tank Overcrowded?

    ok then, so how many angels would u suggest, I was told that to reduce aggression they are better kept in groups of 5 or more.. I am getting a 20L tank for my bedside to house 5 neons, 3 ghost shrimp, would the three kuhliis be better suited in that tank, it will have a deep sand substrate?
  36. C

    Using Aquarium Sealent. Need Help

    orite well I cant do that, guess ill just stick with the nomal background.
  37. C

    Will This Fishlist Make My Tank Overcrowded?

    Ohh I was told blue acaras r peacefull and can be kept in a community, r there n e other new world cichlids that could b kept in this sort of aquarium? BTW, I will be getting all the other fish, settling them in for a few weeks then getting the cichlid
  38. C

    Using Aquarium Sealent. Need Help

    so it would be allright to do this without harming the fish, I really cant be bothered removing all that water. If I just stood and held each piece in place for a few minutes would that b allright?
  39. C

    Will This Fishlist Make My Tank Overcrowded?

    whats wrong with the acara?