Fish Too Small For A Tank?


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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I recently moved my Dwarf Blue Neon Rainbows into a 180 litre tank from a 55 litre tank and they're freaking out :blink:

Seriously, they're all at the top of the aquarium darting around like wildfire.
I'm quite concerned for them. :sad:

Do you think they may be scared by the size of the tank? -_-
It sounds like the water quality is significantly different to the water from their old tank. If the old tank is still set up then move them back into it. Drain the new tank and refill with clean water and dechlorinator. Leave for a few days and then try moving the fish back into it. Make sure the temperature and PH are the same in both tanks before moving the fish.

If the old tank is no longer set up then try increasing the aeration in the new tank and do a partial water change using dechlorinated water. Turn the tank lights off as well.
Its normal for them to react this way, Youve nearly quadruplied their home size.
After a week or two when they,ve started exploring they should be fine :)
What other fish are in with them? And how many of them is there?
Its normal for them to react this way, Youve nearly quadruplied their home size.
After a week or two when they,ve started exploring they should be fine :)
What other fish are in with them? And how many of them is there?

There are 5 of them and they are with the other fish in my signature & profile (listed under the 180litre tank).
Thanks for the encouraging words :)

Colin_T - the temp & PH are the same, as is the hardness.
I have raised the airflow, thanks :)
I will be doing partial water changes later on today, I may even buy 3 more rainbows to make a shoal of 8. :good:
I moved my dwarf from a 30ltr to a 180 ltr a while back. he was a shy thing in the small tank and still is in this tank.
depending on how many you have, you might need to get some more. Rainbows need company and should never be kept on their own.
They're getting better now, swimming around at the top and shoaling.


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