What. In Your Opinion. Is The Hardest Fish To Catch?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2008
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I recently did a large tank change and had to remove many fish and was wondering what other people thought were the hardest fish they have had experience catching? IMO the Chinese Algae Eaters were impossible to catch (so hard they r still in the old tank:D).

So what do you guys think are the hardest fish to catch?
I really hate catching silver sharks, they are fast as hell lol
Loaches!! I had some Botia Rostrata in my tank for a while and they were a nightmare to catch!
Pictus catfish are also difficult as they are not only fast but you can't use a net with them either as they get their fins snagged in them.
Yup...as stang said. Pictus catfish. It took me forever trying to get him from just a 10 gal. tank. I Had to use a clear acrylic thingy and he would slip out everytime...fast. He is in a 75 gal. now...for good !
Loaches!! I had some Botia Rostrata in my tank for a while and they were a nightmare to catch!
Pictus catfish are also difficult as they are not only fast but you can't use a net with them either as they get their fins snagged in them.

When i moved one of my clown loaches their spine came out and got stuck in the net! such a nightmare! its fine now but I got a bit of a shock
juvi african cichlids

In the LFS I work at anyway, I put cardinals because they tend to inhabit the bottom and it's VERY hard to catch them properly w/o squishing a few of em ;)
CAE's got 3 of the little blighters in my tank, (they will grow, rest assured they will bloody grow), they swim fast as anything i've ever seen in my tank.

CAE'S Nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!
Black khuli loaches, definatly. They are wicked fast and can wiggle into small spaces where nets can't go.

Except for one I had, Percival, who swam right into the net and didn't want to get out. :lol:
Juvi africans in a tank full of adults and ropefish. But by far most difficult for me are spiny eels. They burrow at every chance and can be pretty fast. Not to mention they are usually kept in a well decorated tank. Dwarf puffers are pretty hard too, the little buggers always hid in plants and places I can't get to with the cup.
African cichlids, they may not be THE fastest fish, but I consider them the hardest because in my tank I have to pull out 130lbs of rock just to catch one. They are way to smart to sneak attack, mine have learned what the net does because I can have my hands or the syphon in the tank and they'll swim all around me. If they even see me coming towards the tank with the net they'll bolt in the rocks. :blink:
They are all hard if the tank is full of water and you only have one net. I use the two net method and it works great. Simply herd them with one net right into the second one. Obviously, it still helps to lower the water level though.

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