My Brackish Tank...


What's the stocking for it?
I know there's the puffer and the gobies, but in the first few pictures, it looks like there are some schooling fish in it.
Or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

The first pics just had a few zebra danios in while it was cycling. I've just got a swarm of bbgs and one F8 :D

The F8 is now called Muldoonican :lol:

I can't stop watching the tank now and need an easy chair in front of it.

The puff is still a little shy of me and has been doing the 'in-shop-shuffle' up and down the glass , but I'm hoping he'll grow out of that once he realises there's stuff to investigate :D

He's already demolished the pond snails so I'm hoping my snail farm can keep up with him. Luckily I have snails in most of my tanks as reserves for the DPs. I think these'll come in handy :lol:
Muldoonican now has a playmate...




I CAN still see you...



I am in love :hyper: :lol:
More pics...
Anyone for a sing-song?

You sure?

Won't catch us singing





The new fish is called Mickey cos of it's Mickey Mouse birthmark on it's tail :lol:
Where's Wally/Waldo? Nope....where's Muldoonican? :lol:

Everyone's settling in well I am glad to report. SG is at 1.003 at the moment and being increased gradually :fun:
They're settling in nicely at last. Still doing a bit of glass cleaning with their noses, but other than that they'regetting on well :good:
Wow they're awsome and so is your tank, i think the car isnt too tacky either. Was it hard setting up a brackish tank?
Wow they're awsome and so is your tank, i think the car isnt too tacky either. Was it hard setting up a brackish tank?
I started the tank off freshwater and have been gradually increasing the salt content ever since. It's now at 1.003 SG and I plan to bring it up to 1.005 or there abouts and fluctuate it as would happen in an estuary :hyper: It's been a good way for me to get used to mixing the salt water too.
Man I gotta say ur tank is amazing, it looks so much bigger than a 120L. The plants ae great and I love the puffers. how much more effort do you have to put into a brackish set-up compared to a FW, as I am considering starting up a brackish tank.
they look great and so does ur tank.i need to upgrade my brack!!!and how big r ur puffs?
How is the Vallis holding up, ive never been able to keep it alive in freshwater, im tempted to try some in my bracksih..
Camad727 - the only extra effort for me has been the mixing up the marine salt to get the specific gravity correct. Everything else is pretty much the same as any other tank...regular maintenance etc etc. I also have to make sure the hardness is high enough but that's no problem for me either as my water is hard enough to slice :lol:

fishfishfish - they are about 2.5 inches long. Mickey is larger than Muldoonican by a tail length. I haven't uprooted them to measure accurately so that's a through the glass estimate :D

Emma, DarkEntity - the plants are doing reasonably well as I'm acclimatising slowly. The brown algae has started it's attack on my defenses and I have been told this is to be expected with brackish set ups? I was thinking (hoping) it was the usual 'new tank attack' rather than something I'd have to put up with permanently :blink:

The valis seems to be 'melting' at the tips in some areas, mainly where the water movement is at is's slowest. As I have relatively low lighting levels (1x30W T8) I am unsure if it is the effects of this or the brackish water. Usually, in most of my other tanks, I find it doing the same thing which leads me to believe it's lighting as all my tanks are lowish light setups at the moment. It's not melting as fast as the other tanks so I am hoping the plant substrate is helping. As for the java fern and anubias they are totally unaffected so far :good:

I gave the tank a big clean last night and have to say I am looking forward to getting my external filtration set up at the end of the month. These guys are big poopers and I am glad to say my syphon does a great job of removing it but I deffo need help. There are so many different ones out there but a self-priming one is a must (I've been told) and I've heard Eheim are good.

Any recommendations anyone? That infamous 'bit of string' question :lol:

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