Thinking Of Getting A Shoal Of 5 Angels...


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2008
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I am thinking of getting a shoal of 5 angelfish from trimar and was wondering what you guys think about mixing different breeds. Do you think it would b kl to mix kois and silvers (for instance). Or get 5 of one breed?

also r there any actual problems with mixing different breeds?
Breeds will mix, so feel free to mix. If they pair though, you will possibly end up with cross breeds, which probibly won't be worth as much to an LFS should you raise any successfuly.

Keep in mind that angels are not shoaling fish. If you get 5, you will probably end up with 1 or 2 male/female pairs. I have 4, 1 male and I believe 3 females. They are impossible to sex but I have seen 2 of them spawn and since the 3rd is the same size as the other 2 females and smaller than the male, I think it is a female too. They seem to pick at each other all the time, especially the 3 females (just like females fussing over the only male :lol:) but they never hurt each other. What size tank do you have?
most angelfish are simply colour forms of the same species of fish (Pterophyllum scalare). Therefore it doesn't matter if you mix different varieties like koi and black angels together.
Keep in mind that angels are not shoaling fish. If you get 5, you will probably end up with 1 or 2 male/female pairs. I have 4, 1 male and I believe 3 females. They are impossible to sex but I have seen 2 of them spawn and since the 3rd is the same size as the other 2 females and smaller than the male, I think it is a female too. They seem to pick at each other all the time, especially the 3 females (just like females fussing over the only male :lol:) but they never hurt each other. What size tank do you have?

the tank is 300L in size, and I dont really have many fish in there atm. ill need to create a sig with mi tank details. Iv read on angelfish articles that for a well sized tank 5 is a good number of angels to have.
if you want to get a breeding pair of angels then try to buy as many as possible. The chance of getting pairs goes up significantly with the more fish you have. It is not uncommon for fish breeders to buy 10 or 20 individuals and grow them up. As they pair off the pairs get moved to alternate quarters. If the pairs are unwanted they can be sold off.

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