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  1. Rufuss

    A 7 Gallon Tank With 4 Plants And 1 Male Betta ...

    My method is just as effective. Their alive aren't they? There healthy, active, and happy. You can't deny the truth, accept it.
  2. Rufuss

    What To Feed?

    I have a blue crayfish, small about 2 inches long. I feed it just pellets made for them. I was wondering if there was anything else I can feed it? Maybe around the house type of food?
  3. Rufuss

    A 7 Gallon Tank With 4 Plants And 1 Male Betta ...

    Efficiency folks! Example You clean the tank every 3 days. I clean the tank every 2 weeks. End result is the same. My way is not the best way, but its the efficient way.
  4. Rufuss

    New Tank Question

    I was kidding, everyone knows its bad. But, its a excellent hospital tank. You can't disagree with that.
  5. Rufuss

    New Tank Question

    If you ask me 2 Gallons should the limit. But according to the forum its like 10 Gallons I believe.
  6. Rufuss

    Advice On A Sick Betta

    If you ask me that tiny little tank your friend has will be useful. Use it as a medical tank with less water it means using less medicine. Its such a waste to use so much medicine in a large tank when all your trying to do is cure the betta's diseases.
  7. Rufuss

    New Tank Question

    Read the box, does it say its cruel?
  8. Rufuss

    New Tank Question

    Why have a 250 Gallon tank, when you can have this.. Reading the box alone should convince you to use the tank. After all, its "Picture-Perfect!"
  9. Rufuss

    New Tank Question

    why would you want a 250 Gallon tank for one betta, when you can get a D o n u t - T a n k.
  10. Rufuss

    A 7 Gallon Tank With 4 Plants And 1 Male Betta ...

    Maybe it was luck, but I don't feel that it was.. I've had 3 bettas in total. First one lived about 3 and a half years. Second one lived about 5 years. And Third one about four years. I also have a friend who takes care of his betta the same way I did and his betta lived about 6 years.
  11. Rufuss

    Agressive Crayfish

    Hello, I have a blue 2.5 Inch crayfish. I was wondering if they were naturally aggressive? Whenever I put my face near the tank he freaks out and tries to attack. Trying so hard that sometimes, he ends up tilting himself upside down. :crazy:
  12. Rufuss

    A 7 Gallon Tank With 4 Plants And 1 Male Betta ...

    Yes in those 4 years he's been suffering in his own poo. Developing diseases, being stressed, not swimming, not bubblenesting, etc. Oh wait, nevermind.. that doesn't seem to be the case for my betta, he must be a super betta.. in fact he hasn't developed ANY diseases, he doesn't seem stressed...
  13. Rufuss

    A 7 Gallon Tank With 4 Plants And 1 Male Betta ...

    Asking for trouble, I think not. In my experience I've only done a complete water change once every two weeks in a 1 gallon tank and he lived for over 4 and half years. He's been happy, healthy, swims around, looks at me, and blowing bubbles all day long. I know what I am talking about, because...
  14. Rufuss

    A 7 Gallon Tank With 4 Plants And 1 Male Betta ...

    A full change once every two weeks.
  15. Rufuss

    Tanks - Changing The Water

    No I don't do partial water changes. I just clean the whole tank once every two weeks. Isn't cleaning the tank every 2 days a tad bit excessive. These bettas seem so clean, whenever I clean the tank, I barely see any waste in comparison to other types of fishes. (Such as Goldfish, UGH) As for...
  16. Rufuss

    Am I Feeding Enough?

    If you were to feed 6-8 pellets in one day. Can you feed it all at once?
  17. Rufuss

    What Do You Do...

    Clean it.
  18. Rufuss

    Tanks - Changing The Water

    I wanted to know how many times you guys/gals change the water in the tanks for your bettas? Just curious so I can make a comparison between myself and the average betta caretaker. My betta is in a 0.9 Gallon tank. I do a full water change once every two weeks. (Cleaning the gravel, changing...
  19. Rufuss

    Minimum Tank Size For A Single Male?

    Hmm thats odd, why does a tank for a betta have to be so big? I can understand 1-2 gallons but any bigger then that is absolutely ridiculous. Their just ONE fish. I have mine in a 0.7 Gallon tank and he seems fine to me. He makes air bubbles, eats, and looks healthy.
  20. Rufuss

    Never Seen A Betta This Yellow

    I've never seen a fish like that before. :o
  21. Rufuss

    How Long Can A Betta Go Without Eating?

    This is a friendly forum. I doubt anyone minds you asking the same question.
  22. Rufuss

    Need Help On Usage Of Aquarium Salt

    Alright, thanks for the help.
  23. Rufuss

    More Betta Sexism

    Thats something I would say. I don't think female bettas are ugly but I just prefer the males over females. I know for a fact though that female bettas are very fast and energetic, I guess you can say.. Spunky.
  24. Rufuss

    Rescuing Bettas - Good Or Not?

    Rescuing Bettas is good overall, although your technically supporting the company.. But still, a saved fish is always a good thing. As for me, rescuing bettas is not good for me. Mainly because I suck at taking care of more then one pet.
  25. Rufuss

    If Bettas Had Hands

    Good job on saving the betta fish.
  26. Rufuss

    Need Help On Usage Of Aquarium Salt

    Your information is very useful. But I'm asking HOW do I apply the aquarium salt into the tank. Does it really matter? For example, can I just put the aquarium salt in the tank when I am refilling it with water? Or do I have to dissolve it in a cup and then put it into a tank? Or.. Does it not...
  27. Rufuss

    Need Help On Usage Of Aquarium Salt

    I just purchased aquarium salt from a pet shop and I was wondering how do you use it. When changing the water in a tank can I just put the salt into the tank while it isn't dissolved? Or.. do I have to dissolve the aquarium salt in a small cup and then insert it into the tank.
  28. Rufuss

    Is Mr. Clean Harmful To Bettas?

    Well he said he used it to clean the tanks that he puts his betta in.. I told him it was bad. Will the betta suffer from a disease or die instantly? He saids its fine.
  29. Rufuss

    Is Mr. Clean Harmful To Bettas?

    Is Mr. Clean harmful to betta fishes? I have a friend who cleans his tanks with Mr. Clean products.
  30. Rufuss

    Going To Wal-mart!

    Oh okay. Thats smart. :P
  31. Rufuss

    New Betta Tanks

    Great tanks. But don't you have difficulties looking at the fish because its not 100% clear?
  32. Rufuss

    Going To Wal-mart!

    The fish looks nice. So Snooks1, I'm new to the board and I'm wondering. Do you save Betta fish Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly basis? ( Obviously its not Daily but just included it anyways :) )
  33. Rufuss


    Oh alright, I was just curious thats all because mine is doing that now. And he keeps looking at me now. O.o
  34. Rufuss


    When a betta fish blows a bubble nest. Does that mean he is happy? Or is it something every betta does no matter what.
  35. Rufuss

    New Betta Fish From Wal-mart

    I don't think its the heat. My room is pretty warm. But it seems he's been swimming a lot lately. :) I'll probably go purchase those Hikari Betta Pellets. I've seen them in the stores before, they look really good.. (Really Small)
  36. Rufuss

    So Where Do U Buy Your Betta's From?

    I got mine from Wal-Mart. I live in a isolated area lol.. No LFS are in my area sadly.
  37. Rufuss

    Almost Proud Of Walmart

    Because there's no top on the tank won't the betta fish jump out? Tank looks nice though.
  38. Rufuss

    New Betta Fish From Wal-mart

    Bah, my betta just lays there. He does swim a little though. :/ Because I don't want to create a new topic I'll just ask another question lol. Does anyone recommend Wardley Betta Pellets?
  39. Rufuss

    New Betta Fish From Wal-mart

    I actually changed the tank today. I would say the tank is about 0.8 gallons but according to the aquarium calculator it amount to one US gallon. Of course I am unsure if this is fully accurate. I have no heater. And yes the water is Declhorinated through two methods. Leaving the water over...
  40. Rufuss

    Today was a busy day

    I thought those betta hexes were bad for them? And.. Ipod Tanks? Huh?