New Tank Question


New Member
Oct 10, 2008
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Hi there,

I have a question to any of the fish experts out there. I've been interested in bettas for a long time and reading this forum is what confirmed my choice for bettas. I've been reading on the forum that 5 gallon tanks for bettas are a minimum. So naturally I thought that the bigger the tank is the better. I've also read that you need a filter for the tank so I ended up going out and buying one for my new betta fish.

Right now im experiencing some problems with my fish. He is a male betta and just a normal one (I believe) I bought him for 3.99. Well anyways He doesn't seem to be swimming a lot. He only stays there in the middle of the tank. Not to sound rude or anything but I think that I've wasted my money in buying my setup for him.

In short is there anything i can do to make my betta more active?

My current setup is:

Custom 250 gallon tank
Coralife Calcium Reactor Filter suitable for up to 250 Gallons
Several bags of Gray gravel.
15 ornaments.

Oh sorry I forgot to add that I also have an airpump with a air stone in the tank.
did you buy a 250 gallon tank for 1 betta?

yes. I did so because I figured that since bettas are "fighting" fish they should be kept alone as to not have them fight.
sounds fishy to me, I don't believe this to be true. could I have a pic?
why would you want a 250 Gallon tank for one betta, when you can get a D o n u t - T a n k.
Well, I thought that with more space he will be able to swim more freely. And yeah I'll add a pic to prove it

Why have a 250 Gallon tank, when you can have this.. Reading the box alone should convince you to use the tank.

After all, its "Picture-Perfect!"
Well, anyways here is an image of my setup. I'm sorry if the picture is bad my camera and my skills are not good.

I have a question here. What is the maximum tank size 1 male Betta should be kept in? Is it true that if the tank is very large, the Betta gets stressed as it needs to swim around the tank to guard its territory and with such big fins, swimming around is not easy. As such ideally what is the maximum tank size for 1 male Betta? 20 Gallons, 30 gallons or even more?
I keep my bettas in tanks between 1 and 5 gallons and all mine are happy and active.

As for why the OP's betta is inactive I would suggest it is because he feels insecure in such a bare tank. Bettas like dense decor whether plants or rocks or wood, but he probably feels very exposed in such a large amount of water with no cover or places to hide. The more hiding places you provide, the less fish tend to use them. He probably does not understand that outside of his tank there is no water. So to him, he's got to be on his guard for monster fish coming from the sides to eat him. He stays close to the centre of the space he can access so he can quickly dart in any direction if he sees a non existant predator. You say you have 15 ornaments... do you have a more up to date picture?

I can't guarantee this is correct, but I have seen it before, bettas that hang at the top or somewhere in the middle and try to make themselves inconspicuous as possible but suddenly become happy and active once they feel more secure.

I'd also suggest you could add a few more fish, probably corydoras catfish. It will add a bit of interest in the tank.
I have a question here. What is the maximum tank size 1 male Betta should be kept in? Is it true that if the tank is very large, the Betta gets stressed as it needs to swim around the tank to guard its territory and with such big fins, swimming around is not easy. As such ideally what is the maximum tank size for 1 male Betta? 20 Gallons, 30 gallons or even more?

If you ask me 2 Gallons should the limit. But according to the forum its like 10 Gallons I believe.
Lol that betta looks so cute in all that room. It's a fair amount of space, and If you want it to work you might need to put alot of long leaf plants (pref real ones) and plant it densly so that it can feel more secure and interested. An ornament that the betta can get in and guard will also appeal to it.
The height from the bottom to the top of the tank might also be a problem. Its quite a deep tank from the surface, and it might tire the betta if it has to come up for air. Have you also added a heater? I only scanned the picture and text.

Perhaps if you have anything slightly smaller or shallower?


Beautiful fish though and that tank has so much potential. Your so lucky to have so much room for such an amazing tank.

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