New Betta Fish From Wal-mart

Bah, my betta just lays there. He does swim a little though. :/

Because I don't want to create a new topic I'll just ask another question lol.

Does anyone recommend Wardley Betta Pellets?
I have never used them but I have used other Wardley brand food and always changed to something else. I'm not saying it's a bad food I just think there are better brands out there. As far as what I use to feed my betta I use HBH betta pellets.
I think the lack of a heater could be why your betta is inactive. I had to keep my betta in a smaller tank temporarily for a while and the heater in it wasn't very good. He became vrey lethargic very quickly. Back to his old self once in his normal, nicely heated tank though.
Don't know where you are in the world or what your climate is, but if its winter where you are you should get him a heater quick-smart. (and a new tank/container). Try a tank/container about 2.5 gallons or above. Like others said, you can use tupperware and things if you can't afford a new tank right now. there's some pretty cheap plastic ones around, including in Wal-Mart I believe.
We don't get Wardleys where I live so I can't comment on that.
I've heard that Wardley brand is usually stale when you get it *shrugs* The only wardley brand I've ever gotten were these sinking crunchy things. The fish seemed to like it though.

You should try Hikari betta pellets. Every single betta I've ever had eats them up like there is no tomorrow.
I don't think its the heat. My room is pretty warm. But it seems he's been swimming a lot lately. :)

I'll probably go purchase those Hikari Betta Pellets. I've seen them in the stores before, they look really good.. (Really Small)

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